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Cleanup in Aisle Lunatic (h/t romad1)


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Many, not all, of the same people that get worked up over CRT would have no problem in their child came home and told them that their teacher said evolution was a hoax, Darwin was an idiot, or that man walked side-by-side and exist with the dinosaurs.

Just look at the BS some on the Christian right believe . . .


Gallup: 40% of Americans believe in Creationism

Those 40% are likely a large percentage of the people that show up to school board meetings and bitch about masks or CRT or Dr. Seuss or Harry Potter being witchcraft or whatever issue of the month I'm supposed to be riled up about.

Edited by Mr.TaterSalad
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1 hour ago, mtutiger said:

Imagine getting this worked up over roads, bridges and broadband.

sort of tangential, but I remember a bunch of years ago when I was driving through Wisconsin and saw a sign in someone's yard along the highway saying how horrible WI DOT was for implementing center-line rumble strips. so angry about something I would think you shouldn't even notice unless you're potentially moving into oncoming traffic, in which case it could be a big help. I don't know if there's some issue (real or perceived) with them that I haven't considered, but in any case, kind of a wtf moment for me.

at least there weren't any death threats on the sign, I guess.

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3 hours ago, mtutiger said:

Imagine getting this worked up over roads, bridges and broadband.

Something that this country needs.

But because there is a Dem Administration, the only thing that matters is a big F.U. to the Dems, forget what the country needs. I'm glad Upton had the balls to do the right thing, as well as all of the other Republican Senators and Congressman.

That caller can go F himself. I am sick to death of these contemptable scumbags.

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6 hours ago, oblong said:

Speaking of roads...

ever notice how people complain the roads are bad... then complain when they are fixing them?

"I hate driving through Ohio... they're always doing road work"

"Why can't MI roads be like Ohio?"


I mean, I feel like 75 in Findlay has been under construction my whole life.

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11 hours ago, romad1 said:

He's a trumpie

You knew the kid was going to get exonerated the moment you heard the Judge insisted the people who got shot should be referred to as “looters” and “arsonists”, but cannot be referred to as “victims”.

He might walk away a hero and become rich as a pundit and spokesman because of this.

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7 minutes ago, chasfh said:

You knew the kid was going to get exonerated the moment you heard the Judge insisted the people who got shot should be referred to as “looters” and “arsonists”, but cannot be referred to as “victims”.

He might walk away a hero and become rich as a pundit and spokesman because of this.

Yeah, the writing has been on the wall.  That punk is getting off with an apology from the court for the system wasting his time.

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