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Cleanup in Aisle Lunatic (h/t romad1)

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I think Dump would like to debate the Meatball Ron, so he can call him a midget, a loser, and a whiner and an establishment RINO.  I am hoping Dump loses in the primaries, says it was rigged and then runs as a third party candidate.  

Edited by Tiger337

The crowds at CPAC have a 1994-1998 era Tiger Stadium-tuesday-night-in-mid-April feel to them.   If this is any indication of the enthusiasm in the land for Matt Schlapp and his fake teeth gropy support for Trump...they have a long way to go to recapture that magic pre 1/6/2021. 


It's deluded that they think they can't win without him... it may be true, but it sure seems like what is factual is that they can't win WITH him, as evidenced by them not winning with him in a long while. 

5 minutes ago, Tigeraholic1 said:

What a waste of time..... Why do Republican politicians care so much about personal relationships? I know votes. I am right leaning but could care less about who marries who.

It's weird from the party who claims to be about small government. 

9 minutes ago, Tigeraholic1 said:

What a waste of time..... Why do Republican politicians care so much about personal relationships? I know votes. I am right leaning but could care less about who marries who.

Because so many of them are simply hate filled.  Not all obviously but those who are not get pushed aside by the  national party leaders.


I think another part of it is the idea that if you don't truly hate fags, I mean actively vocally despise them, Jesus will hate you and God will condemn you to hell. After all, God spends all of his time reading the minds of seven billion people 24/7, including you—especially you—so if you're on the wrong side of any issue at any time, then it's later for you.

Sure, some people might think that professional politicians would never believe in that nonsense and that it's all about gaslighting the rubes to get the votes and the power and the money and the sex, and that may be true of some. But remember too that a lot of these state-level legislators are not Washington professional insiders, but instead are small-town people with modest educations and zero political credentials who rode a wave to the state house as MAGA outsiders, so there are a lot of true believers among them.

2 hours ago, chasfh said:

I think another part of it is the idea that if you don't truly hate fags, I mean actively vocally despise them, Jesus will hate you and God will condemn you to hell. After all, God spends all of his time reading the minds of seven billion people 24/7, including you—especially you—so if you're on the wrong side of any issue at any time, then it's later for you.

Sure, some people might think that professional politicians would never believe in that nonsense and that it's all about gaslighting the rubes to get the votes and the power and the money and the sex, and that may be true of some. But remember too that a lot of these state-level legislators are not Washington professional insiders, but instead are small-town people with modest educations and zero political credentials who rode a wave to the state house as MAGA outsiders, so there are a lot of true believers among them.

Pick & Choose Bible.    If they really want to go down the road if "well the Bible says.........." then every single one of them has very likely done something that, according to the Bible, can have them put to death.    I am pretty certain the many of them have worked, at least once, on a Sunday. 

2 hours ago, CMRivdogs said:

The Righteous Right talks a good bible but the keep forgetting the first commandment. "Love thy Neighbor"  

They seem to hate themselves and take it out on everyone else

Blame it on people that seem to be happier than them.    It's all they have.    Acting in the exact opposite way they are "taught".    



12 minutes ago, Motor City Sonics said:

Blame it on people that seem to be happier than them.    It's all they have.    Acting in the exact opposite way they are "taught".    



Funny, I just a report on some research that says the quickest way to become unhappy is to start trying to be more happy.

2 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

Funny, I just a report on some research that says the quickest way to become unhappy is to start trying to be more happy.

Happy people, in my estimation, tend to be people who are okay with where they're at and who they are and they aren't always chasing it.    It's rare to see people like that in this country where it is burned into your brain that if you aren't constantly chasing more you are lazy.     Angry people (and those vulnerable to conspiracy theories) are ones that just aren't getting all they want or think they deserve and by god it's GOT to be someone else's fault.   And it is, but not the people they're pointing at.     It's okay to want a little more, it's what keeps us going, but some people want everything and they want it right now.   People like that are NEVER happy.  Anyone who throws how much they have or has to show off what they have - is pretty much miserable - because someone will always have more.  

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Elon Musk criticizes anyone who wants to take time off or take vacation time.     This coming from a guy who can jet wherever he wants whenever he wants.    No thanks, jackass.  Time off is pretty awesome and I'll take all that is given to me.  I'm done trying to impress people who don't give a shit about me.   I wish I knew that 20/30 years ago.  

I think some are very angry towards gays because they're afraid that they might have some of those feelings and they have to overcompensate for it --- think Chris Cooper's character in American Beauty.     

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