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Cleanup in Aisle Lunatic (h/t romad1)

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11 hours ago, romad1 said:

So, when George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin I was thinking George Zimmerman was possibly in the right because I listened to those who framed it that way.   Then we found out that George Zimmerman was a smooth-brained, sloped-forheaded ass who cherished the Confederate flag and seemed to always be in violent confrontations.  

The Zimmerman case is fairly similar to Rittenhouse in that the initial story came out and over time, more to the story came out.  In Zimmerman's case, the right pushed his case as a man protecting his neighborhood and that narrative held.  For those that followed the story, you eventually learned Zimmerman was a piece of ****.  In Rittenhouse's case, the left pushed their narrative and that held until the trial, where those that paid attention learned that Rittenhouse, while naive and dumb that he could protect a city he worked in as a 17 year old, went with the intention of protecting the city and providing aid to anyone that got hurt. 

In hindsight, we know Martin did not engage Zimmerman and tried to continue to his...dad's?  Or mom's, can't remember.  Zimmerman, who later proved how unhinged he is, started the incident and that led to Martin's tragic death.

In hindsight, we know Rittenhouse did not engage Rosenbaum and that he attempted to flee.  Rosenbaum had already proved how unhinged he was as sexual and physical abuser.  Even the 2nd victim had a history of violence and was pursuing Rittenhouse as he was attempting to flee again.  If I remember correctly, only the 3rd victim didn't have a violent history, but on the witness stand he testified that did point his gun at Rittenhouse before he was shot.

All that said, I have no doubts that eventually you'll be proven right.  Rittenhouse was 17 when this all happened and obviously naive.  I do think he never wanted this to happen nor wanted to kill anyone.  The Trumpers embraced him and he went with it.  Anything he tries to do in life, the left will be there to make his life as hard as possible.  He's had trouble trying to pursue college, no idea if he actually tried to go in the armed services or not, but Snopes who says your info about him and the Marines is still in research, but says that the fact they claim he's permanently disqualified is false.  To make a living, he'll have no choice but to continue the path with right wing, ultra pro gun folks and he'll become a pawn for them.  

12 minutes ago, ewsieg said:

The Zimmerman case is fairly similar to Rittenhouse in that the initial story came out and over time, more to the story came out.  In Zimmerman's case, the right pushed his case as a man protecting his neighborhood and that narrative held.  For those that followed the story, you eventually learned Zimmerman was a piece of ****.  In Rittenhouse's case, the left pushed their narrative and that held until the trial, where those that paid attention learned that Rittenhouse, while naive and dumb that he could protect a city he worked in as a 17 year old, went with the intention of protecting the city and providing aid to anyone that got hurt. 

In hindsight, we know Martin did not engage Zimmerman and tried to continue to his...dad's?  Or mom's, can't remember.  Zimmerman, who later proved how unhinged he is, started the incident and that led to Martin's tragic death.

In hindsight, we know Rittenhouse did not engage Rosenbaum and that he attempted to flee.  Rosenbaum had already proved how unhinged he was as sexual and physical abuser.  Even the 2nd victim had a history of violence and was pursuing Rittenhouse as he was attempting to flee again.  If I remember correctly, only the 3rd victim didn't have a violent history, but on the witness stand he testified that did point his gun at Rittenhouse before he was shot.

All that said, I have no doubts that eventually you'll be proven right.  Rittenhouse was 17 when this all happened and obviously naive.  I do think he never wanted this to happen nor wanted to kill anyone.  The Trumpers embraced him and he went with it.  Anything he tries to do in life, the left will be there to make his life as hard as possible.  He's had trouble trying to pursue college, no idea if he actually tried to go in the armed services or not, but Snopes who says your info about him and the Marines is still in research, but says that the fact they claim he's permanently disqualified is false.  To make a living, he'll have no choice but to continue the path with right wing, ultra pro gun folks and he'll become a pawn for them.  

He's going to have a place at Mar-A-Lago if Trump ever gets of prison and still has any assets to spend on bodyguards because as we have seen, Trump always takes good care of the little people who help him through small acts of generosity and noblesse oblige

If Trump wins he can be SECDEF. 


I might have been persuaded to give Rittenhouse a bit of slack if he had quietly disappeared after his trial. The fact he is touring the country, probably collecting significant speaking fees and generally cashing in on his fame is enough for me to continue to condemn him    

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8 minutes ago, CMRivdogs said:

I might have been persuaded to give Rittenhouse a bit of slack if he had quietly disappeared after his trial. The fact he is touring the country, probably collecting significant speaking fees and generally cashing in on his fame is enough for me to continue to condemn him    

The really interesting part is that he's still being sued for the act.  Should be interesting to see Trump take up his case like he did Eddie Gallagher after the Navy special ops community begged him to be kicked out of the Navy.   Trump likes celebrities and he loves violence against non-whites.  


Make no mistake, I do not consider him a hero.  I don't think he legally should be held responsible for those deaths, but personally hopes he understands that he wouldn't have blood on his hands if he would have made better choices.  

And yes, he's chosen to go all in with those that support him, even though he's being used.  It won't end well for him.


Both Zimmerman and Rittenhouse went out in the streets carrying guns. In Zimmerman’s case he clearly was looking for trouble. I do not give Rittenhouse the out of “protecting his community”. That’s too much an abdication of responsibility. I feel he was expecting confrontation, carried a weapon, and exercised very little self control. And people died as a result. Whether those people were “bad” is not very important to me. Rittenhouse pulled the trigger.

47 minutes ago, Dan Gilmore said:

Whether those people were “bad” is not very important to me. Rittenhouse pulled the trigger.

It is a major difference between the two scenarios though.  People that have a history of violence provoked the altercation and witness and video evidence backed it up.  Rittenhouse's first instinct was not to stand his ground or act like a tough guy with a gun that people needed to back down from, when the provocation started, he attempted to flee, both times.  


I just got back from a quick weekend trip to TN for a memorial for an aunt.  Drove down by myself.  Kentucky and TN are a different world.  Very nice people for sure.... but for instance in Kentucky along route 80 and 90, every few miles you'd see a giant cross in a field.  Lots of Trump flags on houses.  I saw a lot of pictures/paintings of Trump hugging the flag plastered along trailers parked on the side of the road.   Also came across 3 roadside stands selling merch, like what you see when a local team makes a championship game. 


Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, oblong said:



In the non-evangelical Christian world, there is a theology emerging that says the Chuch's reason to exist must be 'missional', not attractional.' That for a couple of hundred years in the US, Church's have existed primarily to bring resources into themselves to build up their institutions, when what they should be doing is being conduits for their members lives and resources to be directed back into the world to make it a better place. The Mega church is the epitome - the end game in fact, of attractional church structure. The end game because it becomes fundamentally an entertainment venue focused on it's own preservation. And worse, the attractive church must strive for popularity by conforming to the prejudices of it's members. But entertainment is not the place to find meaning in life, and a church that doesn't change lives for the better is no church. Which is why the model contains the seeds of it own eventual failure to remain relevant to anything.

Edited by gehringer_2
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Lost in the shuffle yesterday of the former President and current GOP nominee being on trial for felonies...

What was up with Clarence Thomas not showing up to work?  He out at the RV dealer looking for a nicer ride?  

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Enjoying seeing Rob Schneider crash and burn.  Even the GOP he's kissing up to can't stand him.    Seeing it happen to his daughter at the Grand Ol Opry a few months ago it seems that the apple may have fallen right next to the tree.   Rob Scneider has never been funny and now that people realize it he starts bitching about "woke" stuff.       Go crawl in a hole and wait for your buddy Adam Sandler to give you a bit part in a movie, you racist, homophobic, sexist pig.  

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, oblong said:

I thought the GOP was against cancel culture?

Naw, man, ya got it all wrooong. They don't rail against leftists engaging in cancel culture because they are shocked and dismayed by the idea of cancel culture. They rail against leftists engaging in cancel culture because they are projecting their own cancel culture behavior onto liberals in a desperate attempt to gaslight us into believing they themselves don't engage in it, even though they constantly engage in it right in front of our eyes.

Is it working? 😏

Edited by chasfh
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42 minutes ago, chasfh said:

Naw, man, ya got it all wrooong. They don't rail against leftists engaging in cancel culture because they are shocked and dismayed by the idea of cancel culture. They rail against leftists engaging in cancel culture because they are projecting their own cancel culture behavior onto liberals in a desperate attempt to gaslight us into believing they themselves don't engage in it, even though they constantly engage in it right in front of our eyes.

Is it working? 😏

Rob Schneider Derp de deerp dee doo.  Derp de derpity derp da derp.   Until one day,  Derp a derp a derpee derp tettley derpee derpee dumb.    Rated  Has Been.  




Fauci is one of those litmus tests for me. If a person is going on about him then I can safely dismiss their opinions.  They may as well tell me we faked the moon landings. 

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