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Cleanup in Aisle Lunatic (h/t romad1)


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41 minutes ago, CMRivdogs said:

Unfortunately our HOA is toothless, but I will email them

Can you imagine the fuss? 

"If a Supreme Court Justice can do this, so can we!  The South Will Rise Again!  Get a noose, pa!  Lets have a hootinany!"

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27 minutes ago, romad1 said:


Speaking of raving and defecating

I am beyond angry at these sycophants. 

They won’t be happy til they kill him. It’s as obvious as the nose on your face.  To pretend it’s not exactly what it looks like is pure evil. 

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19 minutes ago, CMRivdogs said:

Now they’re just making up the rules as they go. These are not serious people. Not even qualified to pick up trash along the road


On what planet will this crap fly?

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colleague at work tells me that Liz Cheney gave the commencement for the Mclean HS graduation (that's a nice suburb of DC where all the richy rich folks live).  I gather it was a stem-winder about Trump being poison for the Constitution.  According to colleague, a dad yelled out "MAGA!" at the beginning.   I guess people treated him like he farted in church which is good. 

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59 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:


Blocking access to birth control and condoms should be front and center on the campaign trail. I would literally be running ads with single dudes at the drug store trying to buy condoms and the store clerk or pharmacist tells them due to new Republican laws you can no longer buy those in this state. Trying to tell American that sex is only for procreation, not personal enjoyment, is not exactly a popular or winning issue for Republicans.

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