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Cleanup in Aisle Lunatic (h/t romad1)


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This is the tweet I was referring to.



Evangelicals have to make themselves think they are persecuted.  It gives them the impression that they are like Paul in the Bible.  They are under attack.  Their faith is threatened. Blah Blah Blah.  Nobody has ever tried to stop christians and specifically protestants from expressing and living their faith.


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38 minutes ago, Archie said:

As you can probably expect I visit a lot of conservative pages and sites.  I've never seen anything like what you mention or anything "worshiping" Donald Trump.  Its probably stuff made up on your liberal sites.

I've had friends and relatives proudly showing off their Trump socks they received for Christmas. 

Drive any backroad in rural Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, etc and I will guarantee you will see at least a dozen Trump signs, flags or whatever in a 25 mile stretch. More than a year now after the election. If that doesn't constitute hero worship.....


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1 hour ago, Archie said:

As you can probably expect I visit a lot of conservative pages and sites.  I've never seen anything like what you mention or anything "worshiping" Donald Trump.  Its probably stuff made up on your liberal sites.

Dr Projection says: what this is really saying is Republicans make up stuff about BLM and Antifa, and even go undercover as either, so they can have all the fun of destroying stuff while assuming their enemies will get all the blame.

Edited by chasfh
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1 hour ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

I don't think that's what it's all about. For someone like my dad, a white male over 70, it's about racial grievance and the feeling that being white in America is under attack. It's also about white superiority over others. My dad is the least religious person you'll ever meet, so Christian Nationalism is far from his mind. He's a George Carlin when it comes to believing in God.

I think it can be about Christian Nationalism for some, white grievance for others, and about both for still more people. They don't all have to be in it for the same thing. Trump will tailor his message to each. All he cares about is that everyone is in it.

1 hour ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

First and foremost, beyond his identity politics, he wants everyone to be equally miserable like he has been. I think for many in the MAGA community they are just miserable human beings and want others to feel the same way they do. So the hope and optimism of a Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, or Elizabeth Warren is a turnoff to them. 

I think this is an excellent, and underconsidered, point. "Misery loves company" drives a lot of behavior we all see in our own lives every day.

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my uncles were personally humiliated when Obama won and his re-election was soul crushing for them.

voting for Trump was a way to inflict on libtards the same pain they felt when that n***** was president.

they took no joy from the corruption, incompetence and immorality, but they loved that the corruption, incompetence and immorality angered libtards.

there is nothing to debate with them; no policy or reg or law; just a question of how much psychic damage can I see inflicted on my fellow Americans before I die?

even if Trump loses in 2024, we are completely screwed as a country because for huge chunks of America, hating their fellow Americans is now a central part of their identity.

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1 hour ago, Motown Bombers said:

It was my own aunt who posted it. I'm no longer friends with her and her profile is private. There is an actual Facebook group titled Trump is God with posts like this:


Screenshot 2022-01-04 124732.jpg

You should realize there are extremists and nut jobs supporting both sides.  There are tons of liberal supporters that would fit the same category and at least one that is a regular on this site.  The problem I see here is that some of you think if someone didn't vote for Biden they are a blind follower of Trump.  That is so far from the truth.  

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33 minutes ago, RatkoVarda said:

voting for Trump was a way to inflict on libtards the same pain they felt when that n***** was president.

they took no joy from the corruption, incompetence and immorality, but they loved that the corruption, incompetence and immorality angered libtards.

there is nothing to debate with them; no policy or reg or law; just a question of how much psychic damage can I see inflicted on my fellow Americans before I die?

We've seen it before in MI. The same kind of 'stick in your eye voting' is probably also what helped keep Coleman Young in office so long. Consequences are just broader when it happens on a national scale.

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4 minutes ago, Archie said:

You should realize there are extremists and nut jobs supporting both sides.  There are tons of liberal supporters that would fit the same category and at least one that is a regular on this site.  The problem I see here is that some of you think if someone didn't vote for Biden they are a blind follower of Trump.  That is so far from the truth.  

 Both sides

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16 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

Yes, please do.  


“They shouldn’t be allowed to do business in this country.”

Determining who can have a business in America and who can’t is the power Trump 47 is seeking. Tens of millions want to give that to him.

Welcome to America. 

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2 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:

It was my own aunt who posted it. I'm no longer friends with her and her profile is private. There is an actual Facebook group titled Trump is God with posts like this:


Screenshot 2022-01-04 124732.jpg

LOL! On seeing this bit of blasphemy, any Christian that has read his NT should think of this:


"So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,'[1]spoken of through the prophet Daniel-let the reader understand- 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now-and never to be equaled again.

Have a nice day. :classic_wink:

Edited by gehringer_2
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26 minutes ago, Motor City Sonics said:

As a huge fan of Mr. Show, I was very disappointed to know that Jay Johnston was at the January 6th attempted coup.   


He told the story to his parents but every time he got to the good part of the story he's fall and knock his mother's thimble collection off the wall.   it was funny the first couple of times. 


When I saw Jay Johnston was involved in the attempted coup, this was thing that popped in my head. The funniest thing ever done by an insurrectionist. 

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4 hours ago, casimir said:

Am I the only one that finds it odd that no one tells Rogers to shut up & dribble?

It’s not odd. It’s expected because he’s white and the lady who told Lebron to shut up and dribble is a racist nazi. 

I know that was your point.  I just wanted to call Laura Ingraham a nazi. 

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1 hour ago, ewsieg said:

MB, you need to get back on your aunt's FB and share some more of those.  That's gold.

Not going to happen. There was a big falling out with her. She's a typical hypocrite Trumper. In the early 80's she married a Vietnam veteran who was dying and had agent orange. He was pretty high ranking in the military and died about 6 months after they married. She ended up getting his pension plus a settlement for Agent Orange. She has worked for nearly 40 years and has been collecting a military pension and health care. She would complain constantly on Facebook about her tax dollars paying for food stamps and other social programs. Mind you, she was living off the government since the early 80's. I finally called her out and one thing led to another and we don't talk and neither does my parents and siblings with her. We were never close to begin with. Needless to say, she would never accept a friend request from me.  

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