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Cleanup in Aisle Lunatic (h/t romad1)


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7 minutes ago, CMRivdogs said:

I saw a suggestion that actually made more sense. Televising the OJ trial really didn't change many opinions (despite the gloves) and allowed both sides to grandstand more than necessary. The suggestion was to air the audio only. That could cut down on whatever grandstanding you would have. Many courts now stream audio, including the Supreme Court on major decisions. 

Just like Oblong's thoughts about conservative "news stations" not airing the trial, what radio outlets would actually give up $$$ to air it in 2023/2024? Then what MAGAs would actually tune in to either?

I doubt it would change any minds per se, but my two cents on a televised trial is that anything that puts Donald Trump front-and-center in the news (such as an ongoing trial) is gonna remind a lot of voters in constituencies particularly put off / moving away from the GOP post-2020 (ie. suburbanites) of why they dislike the guy so much. And on the whole, that's a negative for him.

Just my two cents.

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6 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

I don't think so. He's not in control in the court room, that would not be to his liking at all.

Most courtrooms that allow cameras usually only have one set stationary camera. Everyone would get the same feed. Basically like what you would see on a normal day on CSpan. Neither party would have control. 

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13 minutes ago, CMRivdogs said:

I saw a suggestion that actually made more sense. Televising the OJ trial really didn't change many opinions (despite the gloves) and allowed both sides to grandstand more than necessary. The suggestion was to air the audio only. That could cut down on whatever grandstanding you would have. Many courts now stream audio, including the Supreme Court on major decisions. 

Just like Oblong's thoughts about conservative "news stations" not airing the trial, what radio outlets would actually give up $$$ to air it in 2023/2024? Then what MAGAs would actually tune in to either?

I think it's a different question though. What's  important is not whether the watchers believe the evidence, it's *seeing* Trump being forced into the role of defendant - it's pierces the myth of the Trumpian  Colossus more than anything so far could. They love him because they think he can stand astride and apart from the mundane world. It's one thing for a House Impeachment Hearing to rip at him while he he can safely return fire from the White House or Maralago on Social media above the fray.Being forced to see him reduced to ordinary man in the dock forced to sit and his keep his mouth shut could be a useful pinprick to help puncture a cult of personality.

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1 minute ago, CMRivdogs said:

Most courtrooms that allow cameras usually only have one set stationary camera. Everyone would get the same feed. Basically like what you would see on a normal day on CSpan. Neither party would have control. 

He's not in control of the proceeding in front of the camera.

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7 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

wouldn't matter. The MAGA couldn't help watching him if he's on, even if it were MSNBC.

Everyone seems to have forgotten... and you are treating this as a rational person... when...

MAGA would scream for executions or a Civil War with every perceived slight of Trump in court and on TV... no matter how MF'ing GUILTY he is.

And it would confirm his GOD STATUS with every utterance he made in court. Brilliant or moronic.

The only way to cut him off at the knees, in court and on TV, is for him to have a public breakdown and start weeping uncontrollably. That just may break his immortal coil.

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49 minutes ago, 1984Echoes said:

Everyone seems to have forgotten... and you are treating this as a rational person... when...

MAGA would scream for executions or a Civil War with every perceived slight of Trump in court and on TV... no matter how MF'ing GUILTY he is.

And it would confirm his GOD STATUS with every utterance he made in court. Brilliant or moronic.

The only way to cut him off at the knees, in court and on TV, is for him to have a public breakdown and start weeping uncontrollably. That just may break his immortal coil.

Yeah, rational actor models only go so far.   You have to make allowances for the crazy dictator/mob-boss/business leader having an ego so large that he self destructs.  

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There was some discussion of 13 year old girls over in the Tiger thread...guess what...


When Michael Protzman, the leader of the QAnon cult that believes former President John F. Kennedy and his son JFK Jr. are still alive, died in June, people hoped the end was near for the group. The family members of those who joined the cult hoped it would disband so that their loved ones would finally return home.

But instead, a new leader has seemingly emerged: a 13-year-old girl known to her followers only as “Tiny Teflon,” the name of the Telegram channel she uses to communicate with her followers. According to multiple live chats on Telegram reviewed by VICE News, Protzman appears to have groomed the girl as his protege, hosting her on his live chats on Telegram, where he had tens of thousands of followers.

Many of Protzman’s followers have permanently broken family relationships, emptied their bank accounts, and destroyed their lives to follow his wild conspiracy theories. And now it seems they are ready to do the same for a child, whose real identity is not known.


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2 hours ago, 1984Echoes said:

Everyone seems to have forgotten... and you are treating this as a rational person... when...

MAGA would scream for executions or a Civil War with every perceived slight of Trump in court and on TV... no matter how MF'ing GUILTY he is.

Nah - the 500 or so brave enough to do anything in physical space for Trump have gone to jail for 1/6. The rest, like Trump himself, are mostly physical cowards - or old (🤣). Social media can reach whatever pitch it wants - the fact is there has been almost no-one on the street at these various indictment/verdicts when you might have expected it if unrest in physical space was going to happen again for Trump. MAGA is a clear and present danger - but much more at the ballot box than the street.

Edited by gehringer_2
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1 hour ago, gehringer_2 said:

Nah - the 500 or so brave enough to do anything in physical space for Trump have gone to jail for 1/6. The rest, like Trump himself, are mostly physical cowards - or old (🤣). Social media can reach whatever pitch it wants - the fact is there has been almost no-one on the street at these various indictment/verdicts when you might have expected it if unrest in physical space was going to happen again for Trump. MAGA is a clear and present danger - but much more at the ballot box than the street.

I didn't state there would be street demonstrations... check what you quoted again...

I said they would "scream."

That is all.

But if you'd like me to elaborate, or simplify: I'm stating they'll be on his side no matter what. They could care less if he is in court, on TV, guilty, or not. On TV means nothing to them except a chance to "scream." Hopefully it won't come to further violence by the MAGA fascists.

But my point is: Nothing will break the Cult of MAGA except humiliation/weakness (Trump breaking down and weeping "could" cause enough revulsion to break the cult? But that's just a guess...).


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5 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

Fair question - but I think given the capacity of MAGA world to happily maintain black is white, I'm not sure if there is any kind of evidence with enough epistemological force they wouldn't find a way to wish it away. 

My question was not about whether such a revelation would change red hats’ minds. I don’t care either way. My question was about whether TPTB would suppress such explosive evidence in the first place, in the interest of avoiding riots, civil unrest, guerrilla activities, etc., which such a revelation by itself might reasonably lead to, in the interest of protecting the nation, or however they might put it.

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2 hours ago, CMRivdogs said:

There was some discussion of 13 year old girls over in the Tiger thread...guess what...


An omniscient 13-year-old with a hilariously Trumpy nickname leading an entire worldwide cult to do her bidding? Sure, why not.

This is exactly the kind of detail that would be attached to such a fantastical conspiracy story, and that will lead everybody following it to fall all over themselves demonstrating to the world how much they believe it.

Consider the source—IOW, lol Vice. 

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5 minutes ago, chasfh said:

My question was not about whether such a revelation would change red hats’ minds. I don’t care either way. My question was about whether TPTB would suppress such explosive evidence in the first place, in the interest of avoiding riots, civil unrest, guerrilla activities, etc., which such a revelation by itself might reasonably lead to, in the interest of protecting the nation, or however they might put it.

IDK - that for sure used to be a constant suspicion back in the post WWII world. Questions like whether FDR engineered Pearl Harbor to get us into the war or later in the 60's around the Kennedy assassination and various issues around Nixon like whether he sold out the country to the N Vietnamese. So the idea that there are TPTB that have the underground power tod do something like that has traditionally had some currency. But I do wonder today whether there are "Powers that Be" have that kind of control in this politic. Everyone is so willing play anything for an advantage over the other side.

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6 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

IDK - that for sure used to be a constant suspicion back in the post WWII world. Questions like whether FDR engineered Pearl Harbor to get us into the war or later in the 60's around the Kennedy assassination and various issues around Nixon like whether he sold out the country to the N Vietnamese. So the idea that there are TPTB that have the underground power tod do something like that has traditionally had some currency. But I do wonder today whether there are "Powers that Be" have that kind of control in this politic. Everyone is so willing play anything for an advantage over the other side.

I do think it’s plausible that there might be things discovered in the investigation that could be considered so explosive, they would be prevented from being revealed in open court. Unless we are a perfectly transparent information society, which I doubt.

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9 hours ago, chasfh said:

I do think it’s plausible that there might be things discovered in the investigation that could be considered so explosive, they would be prevented from being revealed in open court. Unless we are a perfectly transparent information society, which I doubt.

Well Georgia wants full transparency, so they publish the names of the Grandy Jury members, and those names and addresses are now being shared online.      So if we want transparency, lets go all the way.    I think there is a chance that one of these members of the Grand Jury is going to be harmed or killed.   

As crazy as following a 13 year old girl might sound.  Remember, conspiracy theorists have killed their own children over this nonsense.  One man shot and killed his 2 year old and 10 month old with a spear gun because he believed his wife had passed serpent DNA onto them and they would grow up to destroy the world.   Before believing this kind of stuff, just a couple years ago, this guy was leading a fairly normal life.     The proof that the wife passed on the serpent DNA was that she voted for Democrats, by the way.        

Thanks internet.  

Edited by Motor City Sonics
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I think any GOP dead-ender looking at these numbers will dismiss them but...

8/16/23 - Majority Of Americans Say Trump Should Be Prosecuted On Federal Criminal Charges Linked To 2020 Election, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; DeSantis Slips, Trump Widens Lead In GOP Primary | Quinnipiac University Poll



Nearly two-thirds of Americans (64 percent) think the federal criminal charges accusing former President Trump of attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election are either very serious (52 percent) or somewhat serious (12 percent), while roughly one-third (32 percent) think they are either not too serious (11 percent) or not serious at all (21 percent).



Nearly 7 in 10 Americans (68 percent) think that if a person is convicted of a felony, they should not still be eligible to be president of the United States, while 23 percent think a person should still be eligible.


An overwhelming majority of Americans (83 percent) are either very worried (44 percent) or somewhat worried (39 percent) about the system of democracy being able to function in the United States, while 15 percent are either not so worried (9 percent) or not worried at all (6 percent).


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10 minutes ago, CMRivdogs said:

The only poll that matters is the 12 or so jurors in the cases where Trump is the defendant. And we have to hope that 100% of those jurors agree on a guilty verdict. 

Or, the decision of the two USAF STRATCOM launch officers in the silo who get the order from Trump and have to decide if he's launching at Delaware because of a legal and just order. 

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What would happen if Trump simply refused to go to Georgia for any purpose related to this indictment? How would they get him there? I don’t see them arresting and extraditing him because they would give him martyr cred. They can’t try him in absentia because the Supreme Court basically ruled against that in a case called Crosby v. United States. Plus it would make the justice system look like they have no power to compel. So if Trump simply refuses to appear in Georgia court, then what? Or is that an unimaginable possibility even for him?

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