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4 minutes ago, Hongbit said:

I’m eagerly awaiting the end of Wargames moment when both the board and troll finally come to the realization that nobody can win this stupid game.   

Already there....

4 hours ago, Archie said:

I wonder if these missing phone records could be in the same place as the missing 48,000 pages of info on the SCOTUS nominee that doesn't know what a woman is.

In tru Bot form you obfuscate

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Archie said:

You wonder why you get condessending remarks when you post brainless shit like this. I hate to tell you this pal but theres very little difference between democrats and communists.  You and your pals make comments like you think you're the smartest guy in the room. I can confirm you are the smartest guy in the room...but only when its empty.

Says the guy who sits there as Dr. Archie and calls Joe Biden demented frequently here. You sit here with your Sleepy Joe bullshit and provide no evidence of him actually having a diagnosis of dementia. I can provide you with Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's diagnosis.

You frequently use cheap right wing talking points and name call political leaders and others. In fact, you provide little to no evidence to the contrary of anything you ever talk about. No sourcing, research, no well studied or reasoned analysis. Were you in a college course and turned in a paper with the way you operate here, your grade would be a big, fat F! 

Why would it be an F you ask? When you name call, make conjecture and state baseless claims, as you frequently do, with no credible citation, sourcing or research to validate what you are talking about, you get graded down. When you turn in a research paper full of opinion with a blank bibliography page you can't expect much more than an F. And in the event you are posting actual data, research or information it's frequently wrong or it's right wing conjecture disguised as "research" and "information".

You dog out Joe Biden and others with nicknames here frequently and then get upset when it gets spun back at you.  Sure, me, Fife, Chas, 84 Lives, we've all trashed Trump and other Republicans with nicknames. From Drumpf to Slump, many of us have come up with nicknames for Trump and other Republicans. But when it comes down to brass tax, when it comes down to backing up opinions with credible research and information, accurate citations for certain opinions we have, we do that too. You just download the Republican talking points and regurgitate them here over and over without citation and research. Biden has dementia, Democrats and communists, whatever the talking point of the day is.

Edited by Mr.TaterSalad
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Archie said:

You wonder why you get condessending remarks when you post brainless shit like this. I hate to tell you this pal but theres very little difference between democrats and communists.  You and your pals make comments like you think you're the smartest guy in the room. I can confirm you are the smartest guy in the room...but only when its empty.

This ranks among the funniest posts anyone has ever written in this forum.  

Edited by Tiger337
2 hours ago, chasfh said:

My favorite nickname has long been Agent Orange. 

I've always liked Tangerine Mussolini.

Perhaps the only good thing about Trump is that you can always trash him without a shred of guilt because he has zero respect for anyone.  Whatever you say about him, you know that he has said worse things about others practically every day.  

2 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

I've always liked Tangerine Mussolini.

Perhaps the only good thing about Trump is that you can always trash him without a shred of guilt because he has zero respect for anyone.  Whatever you say about him, you know that he has said worse things about others practically every day.  

More significantly...

You can trash him 1,001 ways without guilt because it's...


  • Like 1
14 hours ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

Says the guy who sits there as Dr. Archie and calls Joe Biden demented frequently here. You sit here with your Sleepy Joe bullshit and provide no evidence of him actually having a diagnosis of dementia. I can provide you with Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's diagnosis.

You frequently use cheap right wing talking points and name call political leaders and others. In fact, you provide little to no evidence to the contrary of anything you ever talk about. No sourcing, research, no well studied or reasoned analysis. Were you in a college course and turned in a paper with the way you operate here, your grade would be a big, fat F! 

Why would it be an F you ask? When you name call, make conjecture and state baseless claims, as you frequently do, with no credible citation, sourcing or research to validate what you are talking about, you get graded down. When you turn in a research paper full of opinion with a blank bibliography page you can't expect much more than an F. And in the event you are posting actual data, research or information it's frequently wrong or it's right wing conjecture disguised as "research" and "information".

You dog out Joe Biden and others with nicknames here frequently and then get upset when it gets spun back at you.  Sure, me, Fife, Chas, 84 Lives, we've all trashed Trump and other Republicans with nicknames. From Drumpf to Slump, many of us have come up with nicknames for Trump and other Republicans. But when it comes down to brass tax, when it comes down to backing up opinions with credible research and information, accurate citations for certain opinions we have, we do that too. You just download the Republican talking points and regurgitate them here over and over without citation and research. Biden has dementia, Democrats and communists, whatever the talking point of the day is.

Very nice post.  You do a better job proving my point than I can. Plus you show how hypocritical you are. Its ok for your side to do but not other. Got it.

Secondly, and thank you again.  Yes, we all know Reagan had alzheimers...now, but not while he was in office.  Do you think the dems are going to tell you anything about Biden while he's in office? Not a chance.  However, you can tell by his speech that his elevator barely gets off the ground floor. You want to ignore his health issues thats up to you.  It clear he has cognitive problems and don't know what he's saying or can't even get the words out.  It puts this country in a very dangerous position. One thing you can't ignore is the failure his term has been. Record gas prices, soaring inflation, open borders, empty shelves and we are closer to WWIII than we've ever been.  Thankfully we haven't had any mean tweets so the delicate liberal feelings are safe. 

Lastly, you are correct that I don't site sourses that often.  Thats my fault because I'm used to talking politics with informed people that are knowledgeable about issues on both sides.  You prove my point once again that you get your info from the liberal talking heads.    I knew from the beginning what I was dealing with when someone here said the most fair and objective news orgs were CNN and MSNBC.  I still get a good laugh out of it

I know the truth hurts sometimes and its easy if you silence the opposition.  I was even banned here for 10 days because someone a moderator didn't like my opinion.  

Have a great day!

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, Archie said:

 I was even banned here for 10 days because someone a moderator didn't like my opinion.  

I won’t waste my time with the rest of your response, but this last piece I will address.

It puts your lack of self-realization up front. And, as usual, it’s typical of your “change the reality” mindset.  And, of course, wrong.


  • Like 4
  • Thanks 2
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Archie said:

Very nice post.  You do a better job proving my point than I can. Plus you show how hypocritical you are. Its ok for your side to do but not other. Got it.

Secondly, and thank you again.  Yes, we all know Reagan had alzheimers...now, but not while he was in office.  Do you think the dems are going to tell you anything about Biden while he's in office? Not a chance.  However, you can tell by his speech that his elevator barely gets off the ground floor. You want to ignore his health issues thats up to you.  It clear he has cognitive problems and don't know what he's saying or can't even get the words out.  It puts this country in a very dangerous position. One thing you can't ignore is the failure his term has been. Record gas prices, soaring inflation, open borders, empty shelves and we are closer to WWIII than we've ever been.  Thankfully we haven't had any mean tweets so the delicate liberal feelings are safe. 

Lastly, you are correct that I don't site sourses that often.  Thats my fault because I'm used to talking politics with informed people that are knowledgeable about issues on both sides.  You prove my point once again that you get your info from the liberal talking heads.    I knew from the beginning what I was dealing with when someone here said the most fair and objective news orgs were CNN and MSNBC.  I still get a good laugh out of it

I know the truth hurts sometimes and its easy if you silence the opposition.  I was even banned here for 10 days because someone a moderator didn't like my opinion.  

Have a great day!

Let's go point by point here. Sorry for the lack of APA citations, but we're on a message board.

Point #1: Joe Biden has dementia. You pretend to be Dr. Archie over here. You likely have no medical degree do you? If you don't you could at least back up your dementia claim with actual doctors or brain-health experts stating so. But you can't because there are no experts saying it. But what you do is watch TV and diagnose everything about Biden because you somehow think you got a medical degree from reading Brietbart or watching Fox or listening to a a right wing talking head. Yet you through all of that, you still can't back up your claim that Biden has dementia with any medical evidence or opinion from trusted medical professionals.

Point #2: Joe Biden and Democratic policies caused worldwide inflation. You don't even bother to site sources on these claims that Biden caused higher gas prices or inflation, yet again, so I'll site some for you to the contrary. Inflation, according to most well reasoned and researched economists, was largely caused by the economy starting back up all at once and the supply chain backlogs that were ultimately created as a result. (Source #1: Brookings Institute , Source #2: PBS News Hour)

Other factors at play include corporate price gouging and the rapid increase in wages, though there is a lot of debate around wages and inflation. (Source #1 addressing corporate pricing: Vox, Source #2 addressing corporate pricing: Economic Policy Institute, Source #3 addressing wages and inflation: Brookings Institute) The issue around wages is a debated one with some economists believing wage growth may be fueling inflation and others seeing wages as not having kept paced with inflation thus driving down real, nominal wage growth.

We had an entire economy shutdown for over a year, which wasn't Trump's fault, due to Covid and the pandemic. Consumer demand fell during the height of the Covid pandemic (Source: Brookings Institute) and people's spending habits changed. Then, starting in early 2021, the economy began to reopen, people went back to work, and unemployment dipped. A large part of this was things just starting to normalize, including consumer spending habits. Thanks, in part, to Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan (Source #1: Wall Street Journal, Source #2: Center for American Progress), the economy starting getting back on track and unemployment started leveling off. As apart of this economic reopening, consumer spending rose sharply and production couldn't keep up with business and consumer demand (Source: Harvard Business Review) due to supply chains and manufacturing being either idled or greatly slowed down during 2020 and very early 2021.

According to economists at the Economic Policy Institute and elsewhere, but I am citing EPI here, Joe Biden and the Democrats American Rescue Plan did not cause inflation. (Source: Economic Policy Institute) As well, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States put out data that showcases the American Rescue Plan only pushed inflation up by .03%. (Source: San Francisco Federal Reserve)

So this idea that Economist Larry Summers, and other right wing talking heads, including you, have pushed that Biden and the Democrats ARP stimulus pushed inflation up big time is incorrect. Their incorrect narrative ignores several key factors. One, the Feds own analysis of what is causing inflation. Again, the Feds Economists said that the ARP stimulus plan only pushed inflation up by .03% as I cited above. It also ignores the fact that inflation is up all over the world. (Source: Pew Research) This chart from Pew Research does a good job outlining this. As you see from the chart Brazil and Turkey, both with right-wing leaders, have higher inflation than the United States. But why does Pew Research data showcase the US with such high inflation, because we have the world's largest economy and are the world's largest consumer. The World Bank also outlines the global price increases and inflation being felt across the world. (Source: The World Bank) Do you blame Boris Johnson for higher inflation in the UK? How about blaming Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus or Viktor Orban of Hungary or anyone of Trump's other right wing, autocratic heroes for higher inflation? (Source #1: on inflation in Hungary ING Financial, Source #2: on inflation in Belarus World Bank)

The other thing that Summers, the right wing walking heads, you all ignore is the fact that President Trump wanted to do a $2,000 stimulus check instead of the $1,400 stimulus that came out of Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan. (Source: Vox) So if Biden's $1,400 stimulus checks as apart of the American Rescue Plan caused all this inflation, which according to you without citation it did, can you imagine what kind of inflation Trump's $2,000 stimulus checks would have caused?

Point #3: Joe Biden and Democratic policies caused rising gas prices. Now, let's get onto the debate about gas prices and the fact that you believe Biden caused higher gas prices. As you can see from the Kiplinger economic data I'm citing, gas prices are way up around the world. (Source: Kiplinger) So other countries, besides the US are experiencing pain at the pump with higher gas prices. But wait, what about the Keystone XL pipeline, surely gas prices would be lower if Biden had not acted to shutdown the Keystone XL pipeline, right? Wrong again! According to data from the Associated Press, shutting down Keystone XL was not the cause of higher gas prices here at home. (Source#1 : Associated Press, Source #2: Forbes) Most of the Keystone XL oil comes from Canada and goes overseas as it is. Additionally, blaming Keystone XL shutdown negates the fact that it is not an oil refinery and merely just a pipeline that transports oil. In-fact, there is some data from a Consumer Watchdog Report, that showcases the Keystone XL pipeline may have caused some price increases in parts of the country. (Source: Consumer Watchdog)

Furthermore, this argument neglects to inform you that the Biden Administration approved more permits for oil and gas drilling on federal lands than the Trump Administration did. The Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658. (Source #1: Center for Biological Diversity, Source #2: Washington Post) How could it be that oil and gas drilling permits are up under Biden, but he caused higher gas prices?

You don't site sources because you don't have any to back up your claims. If you care to have a factual, well-reasoned debate with me or anyone else here, without the name calling and baseless claims, we'd all love to have it. Balls in your court on this one. Don't dribble it out of bounds or call time out when you have none left, though you probably will. But surprise us all for once and debate with well reasoned, factual, cited arguments.

Edited by Mr.TaterSalad
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

Joe Biden has dementia

I know this gets fed by his sometimes tortured elocution, but anyone who has actually dealt with the mentally acute old and those with dementia would understand that that kind of thing is just natural physical aging, just like you can't run as fast, you maybe can't talk as fast - it's has nothing to do with quality of the underlying higher level thinking. And especially in Biden's case -as he had to overcome an underlying speech impediment in the first place. As a matter of fact I have known any number of people with serious dementias across the spectrum who happened to elocute extremely well right past the time when what they said represented connected thought. It's just not a relevant marker of anything either way.

It does make for poor quality political theater, and that is a problem for Biden in world that no longer has the patience or analytical ability to see past image.

Edited by gehringer_2

and of course at his age, like Reagan, the fact that he is mentally acute now is no guarantee he will be in 'x' more years. But for now there is little way of knowing what 'x' may be short of dissecting his brain today.....:classic_laugh:

Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

and of course at his age, like Reagan, the fact that he is mentally acute now is no guarantee he will be in 'x' more years. But for now there is little way of knowing what 'x' may be short of dissecting his brain today.....:classic_laugh:

The difference with Reagan and Biden is Reagan had an actual medical diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease and Biden thus far does not. Archie and others on the right want to pretend that an old man, slowing down, equates to it being an actual medical condition. They back it up with no medical evidence though.

If that's what they want to reduce politics down to, then that's sad. I guess I can stop debating the issues and just call out Trump for the fat slob that he is. I'll start talking about heart disease and diabetes in every post about Trump I guess since that's what Archie wants to reduce politics down to.

Edited by Mr.TaterSalad

the letter detailing Reagan's Alzhiemer's was released in '94. Text of the letter from Mayo said they detected changes  'over the last 12 months' so there was never a formal admission that he was suffering from Alzhiemer's while in office, though I don't know that there is ever any kind of bright line to say "this is the day when you began to decline." Not to mention that almost every case of Alzheimer's is unique in its progression anyway.





I have seen no signs of dementia in Biden. I don't remember Reagan showing signs of dementia while in office either. Maybe Trump!  But I think his mental health problems are something other than dementia.  They were all pretty old to be in a position which requires a lot of energy, endurance and a high level of mental alertness.  Ideally, we should be electing younger leaders with elders in more advisory roles.   


  Thats my fault because I'm used to talking politics with informed people that are knowledgeable about issues on both sides. 


Aside from being possibly the most FOS statement ever written, it reminds me of a line in the Blues Brothers. They ask the bartender what kind music they play and she says "both kinds. Country and Western."

11 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

I know this gets fed by his sometimes tortured elocution, but anyone who has actually dealt with the mentally acute old and those with dementia would understand that that kind of thing is just natural physical aging, just like you can't run as fast, you maybe can't talk as fast - it's has nothing to do with quality of the underlying higher level thinking.

This is spot on. Anyone who enters their late 70s and early 80s slows down, it doesn't mean dementia or anything to that effect.

If one wants to hit Biden on policy, that's fair game. I trust that Archie probably has valid grounds in which to do so based on the political views he seems to hold. But speculation and innuendo on dementia is pretty grotesque and trivializes something that many have to deal with in their everyday life. And within the context of a political discussion, whenever I see it, frankly, it's a marker of when to just ignore and tune someone out.

11 hours ago, mtutiger said:

This is spot on. Anyone who enters their late 70s and early 80s slows down, it doesn't mean dementia or anything to that effect.

If one wants to hit Biden on policy, that's fair game. I trust that Archie probably has valid grounds in which to do so based on the political views he seems to hold. But speculation and innuendo on dementia is pretty grotesque and trivializes something that many have to deal with in their everyday life. And within the context of a political discussion, whenever I see it, frankly, it's a marker of when to just ignore and tune someone out.

I think one reason Bunker keeps flogging the dementia canard is because he can't effectively argue against Biden's actual work, other than the catch-all umbrella idea of "he's destroying America and the world", which obviously isn't a criticism of Biden's work at all.

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, CMRivdogs said:

From last night's Gridiron Dinner in DC. No video...


That is actually a pretty clever quote and there is some truth to it.      

Edited by Tiger337

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