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Just now, gehringer_2 said:

He'd walk across the lake to find a little peace and quiet.

Always found it strange that will all the miracles Jesus was going around performing, nobody ever thought to write of them until decades after his death.  Really makes you think.

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9 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

....  I was poking fun at your assertion of knowledge ...

By using a mocking, demeaning reference...

Sorry, but that's the very definition (how about that for trying something different instead of all-CAP's...?) of ridicule:


What does it mean to ridicule someone?

make fun of

When you ridicule someone, you mock or make fun of them. They become the object of your ridicule or mockery. The word ridicule is related to ridiculous. If you ridicule a friend, you try to make them look ridiculous.

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15 minutes ago, 1984Echoes said:

By using a mocking, demeaning reference...

Sorry, but that's the very definition (how about that for trying something different instead of all-CAP's...?) of ridicule:


What does it mean to ridicule someone?

make fun of

When you ridicule someone, you mock or make fun of them. They become the object of your ridicule or mockery. The word ridicule is related to ridiculous. If you ridicule a friend, you try to make them look ridiculous.

Someone who brags about their knowledge and self confidence on a sports messageboard can expect to be made fun of.  Isn't that what sports bros do to each other?  If I thought you were actually dumb, I would not do that to you.

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6 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

Someone who brags about their knowledge and self confidence on a sports messageboard can expect to be made fun of.  Isn't that what sports bros do to each other?  If I thought you were actually dumb, I would not do that to you.

And I'm actually fine with that. Yes, absolutely...

I just wanted to point that out.

Especially since there were, ummm, complaints about my "attitude" and yet... ridicule?

The timing was perfect for me to just, you know, point that out...

otherwise I would have just thrown a laugh emoji onto that...

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17 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

I don't think it's possible to prove that the earth just sprung up naturally.  This notion that this beautiful and scientific earth just happened by accident without any help fron an intelligent creator seems just as bold as assuming that there was some sort of creator with a plan.  I am definitely more science based than faith based and I don't think anyone truely knows why we are here, but I don't think the motion of a planned creation is outrageous.   

This raises a bunch of rhetorical questions about what's the point of a planned creation. It is accepted that God has no beginning and no end. Why did God pick a particular point in whatever the construct of time was to crate the universe? What did he did for all those eons before that? Hang around in nothingness?

They also say God knows all and sees all, past, present and future. If God knows what's going to happen already, why bother with any of it? If he knows the outcome, what is free will, and not only why did he give it to us, but do we even have it? If he already knows I'm going to heaven or to hell, why am I trying to live a life that strives for heaven? Why do I think I can change my ways to steer me away from hell and into heaven? Why do I have to change anything? Why accept Jesus Christ as my PLS if he already knows where I'm ending up already? Isn't it all part of the divine plan?

And if there is a divine plan, why are we bothering to pray? After all, doesn't the divine plan have everything already worked out? If the outcome is worked out already, what are we praying for? And if God will respond to our prayers and change his divine plan for us, why have a divine plan in the first place? Why allow me to pray for something and **** up that whole plan?

What's the plan of a planned creation?

There are bunches more rhetorical question that could be asked, these are just a few. Does religion have an answer for all this? I went to Catholic school for nine years and none of this was contemplated that i remember. But aren't these are the kinds of questions that critical thinkers need answered before they give themselves over to the idea of Christian God?

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13 hours ago, 1984Echoes said:

Teleology? Not a mystery to me. Every living being's purpose? To propagate its DNA. Human teleology? Self-defined, I've already stated as such above in a previous post.

Wait a minute, though: I have not propagated my DNA, and my window s now closed. Is my life without purpose?

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36 minutes ago, chasfh said:

Wait a minute, though: I have not propagated my DNA, and my window s now closed. Is my life without purpose?

HUMAN (sorry about the all-CAP's again...) but it's actually in what you QUOTED (haha!) from me...

"Human teleology" ... Is self-defined.

Your DNA may no longer have any purpose... But YOU get to define the purpose of your own life in any manner that you so choose. If you looked at my earlier post of self-definition (a response to Lee on the "meaning of life") I gave several possible examples of self-definitions of meaning, or purpose, ... but any definition will do. "Create" your own, my friend.

One last question:

Wanna join Space-X and be the first pioneer to Mars?

That has purpose...!

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47 minutes ago, chasfh said:

This raises a bunch of rhetorical questions about what's the point of a planned creation. It is accepted that God has no beginning and no end...

Additional rhetorical question:

Why is "god" allowed to have no beginning, or no end, but the Universe is NOT ALLOWED to have no beginning and end? Why can the universe not have no beginning or end, and instead "must" be created by "something"?



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Lets see if we can get this thread back on track.  How about everyone share with us your favorite Bible verses?  Personally, I find that Genesis 19:31-36 speaks to me in ways I can't even put into words.

The firstborn said to the younger: “Our father is getting old, and there is not a man in the land to have intercourse with us as is the custom everywhere.

Come, let us ply our father with wine and then lie with him, that we may ensure posterity by our father.”

So that night they plied their father with wine, and the firstborn went in and lay with her father; but he was not aware of her lying down or getting up.

The next day the firstborn said to the younger: “Last night I lay with my father. Let us ply him with wine again tonight, and then you go in and lie with him, that we may ensure posterity by our father.”

So that night, too, they plied their father with wine, and then the younger one went in and lay with him; but he was not aware of her lying down or getting up.

Thus the two daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father.


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