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2024 Presidential Election thread


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On 11/8/2023 at 5:57 PM, Motor City Sonics said:

I watched a news cast from the late 70s where there was a political controversy with a judge in Metro Detroit, and the man on the street interview segment floored me.  People giving well-thought answers.     Some people refuse to read anything in detail now.  I am guilty of it too, but not to a completely ignorant degree. 

I was just talking about this with my buddy yesterday. He gets the newspaper delivered every day (New York Times, go ahead and judge him if you want), and that where he gets the majority of his news, by choice. I told him I miss getting the Free Press and the News and watching the network evening news and the 11 o’clock news and getting updates on NewsRadio 95. I felt so much better informed in general now, because nowadays, I keep trying to drink from the firehose on the Internet, and to your point, I find myself skimming a boatload of things and reading deeply less than I would like, and that when I try, I get antsy and I want to get back to skimming. I know my brain’s been rewired by the Internet, I don’t like it, and I have seriously considered trying to figure out a way to go back. 

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On 11/8/2023 at 10:23 PM, gehringer_2 said:

If Christie had actually been as governor the person he projects himself as now, he'd be more appealing. But with any politician I'm far more interested in 'what did you/have done' than 'what can you say that sounds good'. He did not cover himself in glory as the Gov of NJ and his rejection of Trump only after being rebuffed in his efforts to join the circle don't combine to paint a person who *acts* with nearly the level of principle he talks.

Agreed. It strikes me as more like a business-like effort to try to exploit an opening in the Republican market.

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On 11/11/2023 at 7:25 PM, 1984Echoes said:

Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations: Inside Trump’s 2025 Immigration Plans




Full-on authoritarian dictatorship. Trump's plans to **** all over the Constitution of the United States if he can gain the Presidency 2024.

That's why he had Univision take down all the Biden ads.

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12 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

I was just looking at the real clear politics polls and they just keep getting more and more positive for Trump.  I know it's  really early, but Biden is looking like a ****ty candidate.  

Biden won as the alternative to Trump, hardly on his own merits. Biden can’t count on that calculus a second time. Too few remember how truly awful Trump’s first term was. Too many are enamored with the strongman Trump persona when contrasted with Biden’s perceived weakness.

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1 hour ago, Netnerd said:

Biden won as the alternative to Trump, hardly on his own merits. Biden can’t count on that calculus a second time. Too few remember how truly awful Trump’s first term was. Too many are enamored with the strongman Trump persona when contrasted with Biden’s perceived weakness.

Maybe, but the general election campaign really hasn't started yet. Basically no money has been spent on the general election. Biden and his administration, for their part,  understandably seem more focused on managing a crisis in the Middle East than on campaigning at the moment. (Which seems pretty in-line with just about every Presidential re-elect campaign of my lifetime.)

That doesn't mean I don't think Biden has issues or work to do, obviously he does. But for some reason, we're not allowed to have any perspective on this at all...

I know I'll be told I'm wrong and we don't need to rehash the argument from a couple of weeks ago on this subject, but there's still a lot of time to go and I doubt that polling figures will stay in stasis for the next 11-12 months. To the extent that it matters, I hope that the takeaway from the actual campaign is more about how to shore up their numbers with certain groups and less about working themselves into an anxiety-inducing paralysis like a lot of folks seem intent on doing these days.

Edited by mtutiger
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46 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

I don't know.  I am just concerned that voters are currently considering voting for a seriously mental ill person and criminal over the incumbent.  That suggests a weak candidate to me.  

I dont think anyone would argue with you that Biden is not an ideal candidate. Especially at this age.

But otherwise still stand behind my post in full.

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2 hours ago, MIguy said:

I agree that we're still way too far away from the election to care about polls, but even so, I still think Biden is just about the worst candidate possible due to his age and his kid and I say that as someone who has always liked Joe.  

Given the absurdity of his opponent, I still think he could win if inflation makes a dramatic turn for the better in time for people to notice it.  He is a weak candidate though regardless given his age and his poor communication skills.  People here have pointed out that he has done some good things in terms of policy, but 90% of the country is never going to notice that stuff. It's all about perception.  

Today, at thankgiving a dinner, a relative was saying that Biden was terrible because of inflation and needs to go.  He said that Trump was stupid but surrounds himself with really smart people and was great for the economy.  I asked him to name a smart person around Trump.  He admitted that he didn't know and just made that assumption based on how good the economy was.  That's just an example of how perception is everything.  

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1 hour ago, ben9753 said:

Trumps economy was a gift from Obama. Biden’s economy is a gift from Trump (and Covid)

I don't think Obama had that much to do with it either.  None of them really do.  The average person seems to think that the president runs the country like a small busness and everything that happens is because of him.  It's not like that at all and this is definitely not directed to anyone here.  

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11 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

None of them really do

I think that is too strong a statement. Presidents don't do much to control short term and cyclic factors, but things they do can have huge impacts on the economy - it just usually happens after they are gone - esp tax and entitlement policies they support. Reagan tax cuts, Clinton tax increases that balanced the budget etc. The more favorable tax policies for the rich that Reagan backed have been echoing through he US economy increasing economic disparity ever since. OTOH,  the infrastructure and Covid recovery spending is having a considerable effect on middle class employment and those programs could have been vastly different under a different President. 

Edited by gehringer_2
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5 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

I think that is too strong a statement. Presidents don't do much to control short term and cyclic factors, but things they do can have huge impacts on the economy - it just usually happens after they are gone - esp tax and entitlement policies they support. Reagan tax cuts, Clinton tax increases that balanced the budget etc. The more favorable tax policies for the rich that Reagan backed have been echoing through he US economy increasing economic disparity ever since. OTOH,  the infrastructure and Covid recovery spending is having a considerable effect on middle class employment and those programs could have been vastly different under a different President. 

That's the problem.  Most people judge the president on how good the econony is when he's there which makes no sense.  They can have some impact later, but how can you ever really know how much? Businesses and consumers do a lot of things that are not directly relsated to what politicians do.  

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15 minutes ago, 1776 said:

Biden’s election is a gift from Covid.

Yes, I think he would have won a second term if not for Covid.  I think Trump's response to Covid was a disgrace, but I  think any kind of response was going to anger a lot of people even with a more reasonable President.  

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