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2024 Presidential Election thread


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11 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:

I can't believe what is happening over one debate performance. This is a coordinated effort at this point. 


People are a little tired of gaslighting.

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17 hours ago, MichiganCardinal said:

I'm not one to bitch and moan about the media. It's easy to complain about them covering something unfavorable, but usually it's just them doing their jobs.

But I thought the Biden debate thing was a one-day story. He hasn't made it a two-day story. I'm confused why it's becoming a one-week story.

It's been a 4 year story for many in the media and not just FoxNews types.  Granted you only heard about it on the right wing, but there have many things that Biden has done or has been reported over the years that now people are taking another look at.

- Biden's first campaign, he did very little travel (comparative to POTUS campaigns in the last 30+ years).  Covid was blamed for the reason and the majority of the media went along with it.

- Few press conferences, the least since Reagan.  (Wonder why Reagan had so few?)

- Passed on the SuperBowl interview.  

- Many instances of physical issues (falling up stairs, etc) which Biden wasn't known for, he's not Ford.

- Looking for the dead House rep among a crowd, only to be reminded she had died recently.  

- Special Counsel note on why they wouldn't pursue charges with Biden "sympathetic, well meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

- Recent article where even dems (anonymous) said they saw Biden aging drastically recently.

Meanwhile, anytime any of these stories came out and the Biden WH felt they were suggesting his age was the reason, you'd have top friends/colleagues come out with fantastical stories how he's only getting better with age and is the sharpest they've ever seen him and I think I lot of people kind of knew they were getting gaslit.

Then the "one day" story happened at the debate and I think you've been seeing everyone reconsider so many of these previous stories.

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15 hours ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

I've hardly seen a poll where Joe is leading over the past week. Democrats seem more pessimistic than ever. But in a country of 256 million adults, Joe Biden is the best we can do to beat Trump. Not a single other person has the capabilities to do so. The enthusiasm is going down for Democrats too. It's 2016 all over again. 



25% of Americans are entertained.

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Interesting article.   This again leads me to believe this isn’t just about the debate.  That was just the most recent and most public event of an issue that people close have noticed for some time.    I know that we don’t want this to be true but unfortunately maybe it is.  

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2 hours ago, pfife said:

Sen. Mark Warner seeks to assemble group of Democratic senators to ask Biden to exit race




I didn’t interpret it that way. It’s to consolidate rather than play phone tag to decide what they should do or suggest they do.  They haven’t decided. 

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I can't believe how many Democrats continue to entertain this. Even if Harris gets the nomination, Trump is going to sue. She probably won't even make the ballot in all states and would have to run a write in campaign. Even if she wins, Trump will sue and the Supreme Court can overturn this. All of this over a debate. What a bunch of invertebrates. 


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47 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

No there’s not. That would really anger black voters and Harris is more than fine taking over. 

I know that and you know that... it just appears that a whole bunch of Democrats aren't thinking very clearly.

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1 hour ago, oblong said:

I didn’t interpret it that way. It’s to consolidate rather than play phone tag to decide what they should do or suggest they do.  They haven’t decided. 

That sounds more like Warner. Especially looking at his congressional record and his time as governor

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