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11 hours ago, mtutiger said:

It's honestly shocking we aren't hearing more in the media about it given how many journalists were willing to openly speculate about dementia as well.

I think it might be they’re trying to protect their access to the Trump campaign. If the so-called MSM start writing the unvarnished truth, they’ll not only never get another Trump official on the record anymore, they’ll also probably get a lot fewer off-the-record leaks as well. Then they’ll be forced to write nothing but speculation pieces, and no media outlet wants to look like an outsider looking in.

On the other hand, they could write anything they wanted about Biden, and they would never lose their access, because if the campaign looks like they’re shutting out the public via the media due to a grievance, it will be a bad look to D voters; whereas the Trump campaign wields grievance-based withdrawals of access by the MSM as a badge of honor, and among their fans, they’re right.

It’s simply a different media landscape for each campaign.

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2 hours ago, romad1 said:

I used to be amused by Greg Gutfeld before he sold his soul and became a North Korean news anchor for Trump. 


I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but we could see all this during Bush. Really, go back and listen to what was said back then. You’ll see.

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15 minutes ago, chasfh said:

I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but we could see all this during Bush. Really, go back and listen to what was said back then. You’ll see.

Sure, but back then he was able to play around on his own side because this was pre-Maximum Leader conformity.  He was sort of more of a variety/comedy/news guy before. 

I wouldn't know the tv show Modern Family existed until he interviewed Eric Stonestreet, the actor who played Cam. 

He platformed a guy who I thought was just a clown in Gavin Mcinnis who turned out to be a wanna-be brownshirt co-founder of the Proudboys. 

The pathologies of that movement are incredible in retrospect. 

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4 minutes ago, romad1 said:

Sure, but back then he was able to play around on his own side because this was pre-Maximum Leader conformity.  He was sort of more of a variety/comedy/news guy before. 

I wouldn't know the tv show Modern Family existed until he interviewed Eric Stonestreet, the actor who played Cam. 

He platformed a guy who I thought was just a clown in Gavin Mcinnis who turned out to be a wanna-be brownshirt co-founder of the Proudboys. 

The pathologies of that movement are incredible in retrospect. 

Sure, but it's not just Gutfeld I'm talking about, it's that whole right wing government/pundit class from the Bush Jr era. We could hear the fascism-wannabe in the things they were saying and pushing for, the thing that's shocking today to the dyed-in-the-wool Reagan/Bush Sr conservatives who wanted to believe Bush Jr/Trump were part of the same thread, but those of us outside that bubble could always see where it was fated to go.

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2 minutes ago, chasfh said:

Sure, but it's not just Gutfeld I'm talking about, it's that whole right wing government/pundit class from the Bush Jr era. We could hear the fascism-wannabe in the things they were saying and pushing for, the thing that's shocking today to the dyed-in-the-wool Reagan/Bush Sr conservatives who wanted to believe Bush Jr/Trump were part of the same thread, but those of us outside that bubble could always see where it was fated to go.

Tribal is as tribal does.  Its not my tribe anymore. 

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40 minutes ago, chasfh said:

Reagan/Bush Sr conservatives who wanted to believe Bush Jr/Trump were part of the same thread, but those of us outside that bubble could always see where it was fated to go.

Bush Jr and Trump do share that they are/were both empty vessels intellectually. All they had was ambition, and they let the people around them use them as conduits for beliefs/programs they really didn't care about, understand, or have their own vision about. For Trumps it's all purely transactions for the votes, With Bush Jr he was buying credibility for being the serious person he never was. So Bush became the creature of the neo-cons in FP and the  large number of legal wackos he put in at DOJ. Trump by racists, white nationalists and anti-abortion evangelicals.

Now Trump has reached new levels of transparency with his admission of his policy being bought by Musk. I think DJT thinks he's somehow going to get hip or cool points for jumping into bed with Elon, but advertising that he is proud to be bought by campaign contributions (oil industry also) probably isn't going to be a good look with any independents.

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4 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:

I’ve been saying for a while Florida is winnable. Dems just give up states so easily. At the very least, make Trump defend Florida. Make him divert funds away from Pennsylvania to protect Florida. 

Not to mention that Desantis can make it happen with a nod.  :--)

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38 minutes ago, romad1 said:

Not to mention that Desantis can make it happen with a nod.  :--)

That's an interesting question. Not sure DeSantis going AWOL would move Sunshine State Trumpers or not. At this point Trump may be the more popular of the two in-state.

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8 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:


I will take all my retirement savings, if I have to, and buy a red carpet and rose pedals that lead to the private plane that they both step onto and fly away from us for good.    And will GLADLY welcome his followers to go down there with them and go live whatever life they seem to think they want.    We can trade them for some hard working new immigrants who are looking for a decent shot at life.   They'll show a love for this country that those clowns can't even fathom.  

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1 hour ago, gehringer_2 said:

That's an interesting question. Not sure DeSantis going AWOL would move Sunshine State Trumpers or not. At this point Trump may be the more popular of the two in-state.

Remember this is just designed to make the MAGA heads explode.  I do not actually think Desantis can nod and make the voting machines elect whom he likes.

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Dump and Mush are getting sued by UAW for intimidating union workers by patting themselves on the back for firing striking workers.  I don't know if that actually happened, but I getting really tired of billionaire assholes who never had to struggle to find a job in their lives bragging about firing employees.   

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32 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

Dump and Mush are getting sued by UAW for intimidating union workers by patting themselves on the back for firing striking workers.  I don't know if that actually happened, but I getting really tired of billionaire assholes who never had to struggle to find a job in their lives bragging about firing employees.   

In my lifetime, and I am not 60, it used to be a matter of pride that you ran a business without firing people.   It was actually something companies bragged on.       Then 1980 and Reaganomics came along.  

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1 hour ago, CMRivdogs said:

Not hiding it any more


I'm not a person that pines for the good old days. But this is the one aspect that is really depressing to me. It really should be embarrassing for anyone to support this scumbag. And it is such a measure of the increasing acceptance of incivility on our society that there are media servers that will even put this out. 

Of course if Trump is Exhibit 1 with the media, Elon is 1A with the medium.

Edited by gehringer_2
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