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2024 Presidential Election thread


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3 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:

Voting for a back bencher congressman who voted with Biden 100% of the time and his only message is Biden is old. 

Biden IS old and he is a terrible communicator who will probably get worse over the next five years.  He's an acceptable President and I will be voting for him in November without question, but I want to see better choices.  I know Democrats are supposed to stay with the program and not even consider any other candidates, but I am not a Democrat and I am considering others.  

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5 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

Biden IS old and he is a terrible communicator who will probably get worse over the next five years.  He's an acceptable President and I will be voting for him in November without question, but I want to see better choices.  I know Democrats are supposed to stay with the program and not even consider any other candidates, but I am not a Democrat and I am considering others.  

The problem for Americans in your position is that if people want the parties to generate better candidates, it would be more effective to get involved in party politics more at the front end than to simply be left with only a thumbs down at the other end of the process. That is the dirty little secret as to why the parties don't work well anymore - it's because everybody takes the position that it's up to someone else to make them work. It's partly a boomer legacy of having grown up believing someone else did all the work and you just got the benefits, but it's permeated Americans' approach to politics across all generations now. And I certainly claim myself - I think about getting more involved but in the end, don't. So there we are!

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13 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

Biden IS old and he is a terrible communicator who will probably get worse over the next five years.  He's an acceptable President and I will be voting for him in November without question, but I want to see better choices.  I know Democrats are supposed to stay with the program and not even consider any other candidates, but I am not a Democrat and I am considering others.  

So your only argument is he’s old? He’s the most successful democrat since Johnson but he’s old. He’s apparently a good communicator considering the bipartisan legislation he’s passed in one of the most hostile congress since the civil war. I’m curious what your vote for Phillips accomplishes when he’s going to lose in a landslide?

11 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

Right, everybody who opposes Biden is an extremist.  

He’s already said he would be Haley’s VP, has turned against DEI, and had hired a republican campaign manager. Just give him time but hey he’s not old. 

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9 minutes ago, romad1 said:

There are also people who are in it for the cash.  I mean, money does make the world go around.

That is pretty certainly what got Trump into it in the 1st place. Once you declare for office you can live like a Prince on other people's money and not have to claim a penny of it as income. No way Trump could ever resist that once he figured it out.

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32 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

So your only argument is he’s old? He’s the most successful democrat since Johnson but he’s old. He’s apparently a good communicator considering the bipartisan legislation he’s passed in one of the most hostile congress since the civil war. I’m curious what your vote for Phillips accomplishes when he’s going to lose in a landslide?


Maybe if enough people voted for an opponent, it might get the point across that people want more choices in the future.  What would my vote for Biden accomplishe since he's going to win anyway?

The argument that he's old is a legitimate one.  If you look at Biden 10 years ago and Biden today, there is a huge difference. Everybody is different.  Give him another five years and it will get worse. Elizabeth Warren is old too, but isn't showing it as much. Trump IS too old and, given his unhealthy life style, he is probably in more danger of a serious illness than Biden.      

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1 hour ago, gehringer_2 said:

The problem for Americans in your position is that if people want the parties to generate better candidates, it would be more effective to get involved in party politics more at the front end than to simply be left with only a thumbs down at the other end of the process. That is the dirty little secret as to why the parties don't work well anymore - it's because everybody takes the position that it's up to someone else to make them work. It's partly a boomer legacy of having grown up believing someone else did all the work and you just got the benefits, but it's permeated Americans' approach to politics across all generations now. And I certainly claim myself - I think about getting more involved but in the end, don't. So there we are!

No thanks!  I am not good at dealing with people, especially those with polical aspirations.  

By the way, a friend of mine did get involved this year.  He is working on Phillip's campaign.  😃

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8 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:


Maybe if enough people voted for an opponent, it might get the point across that people want more choices in the future.  What would my vote for Biden accomplishe since he's going to win anyway?

The argument that he's old is a legitimate one.  If you look at Biden 10 years ago and Biden today, there is a huge difference. Everybody is different.  Give him another five years and it will get worse. Elizabeth Warren is old too, but isn't showing it as much. Trump IS too old and, given his unhealthy life style, he is probably in more danger of a serious illness than Biden.      

When have any of these protest votes ever got the point across? Also, Biden is running for a 4 year term so I don’t give a **** what happens in 5 years. Who cares if Biden dies? Why is Dean Phillips better than Harris? Biden has been the best president in decades likely due to his age. 

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1 minute ago, Motown Bombers said:

When have any of these protest votes ever got the point across? Also, Biden is running for a 4 year term so I don’t give a **** what happens in 5 years. Who cares if Biden dies? Why is Dean Phillips better than Harris? Biden has been the best president in decades likely due to his age. 

He still has to get by this year.  1 + 4 = 5.  

I understand that he is good at working with Congress and that is important. You guys are a bunch of policy and congress wonks so you love Biden, but probably less than 10% of Americans even notice. Being able to communicate with the public and having the confidence of the people is also an important quality of a President.  His popularity rating is very low and I fear his lack of skills in that area could make him lose to Trump.  

Fortunately, the majority of people hate Trump too, so Biden still has a good chance.  

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9 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:


He still has to get by this year.  1 + 4 = 5.  

I understand that he is good at working with Congress and that is important. You guys are a bunch of policy and congress wonks so you love Biden, but probably less than 10% of Americans even notice. Being able to communicate with the public and having the confidence of the people is also an important quality of a President.  His popularity rating is very low and I fear his lack of skills in that area could make him lose to Trump.  

Fortunately, the majority of people hate Trump too, so Biden still has a good chance.  

So you’re protest voting for a guy who’s only message is Biden old in the hopes of sending a message to Biden to be a better speaker and less old?

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Just now, Motown Bombers said:

So you’re protest voting for a guy who’s only message is Biden old in the hopes of sending a message to Biden to be a better speaker and less old?

You said he voted with Biden 100%, so doesn't that make him a young Joe Biden?  😀 


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5 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

You said he voted with Biden 100%, so doesn't that make him a young Joe Biden?  😀 


Yeah so you’re only voting for him because he’s younger. You said you were protest voting. We’re facing unprecedented threats to our democracy and you’re having purity contests because someone is old. 

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Just now, Motown Bombers said:

Yeah so you’re only voting for him because he’s younger. You said you were protest voting. We’re facing unprecedented threats to our democracy and you’re having purity contests because someone is old. 

I don't think Trump getting elected is going to end our Democracy.  I want him to lose because he is a horrible person and A horrible President.  I want the Republicans to lose because they are bad for people who need help the most.  If Trump wins and the Republicans win Congress, we will still have a Democracy, but there will massive cuts to programs that help poor, disabled, unhealthy and others who need help.  That would pretty much guarantee that the Democrats will be back in power in 2029, but I prefer we don't go through all that. 

I don't see how my protest vote has any effect on whether Biden beats Trump, so I am not worried about that.  


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I think Trump winning will have a serious threat to global affairs. Russia will steamroll Ukraine and go after Poland and given his talk about NATO…. We won’t step up. Our allies might.  Then it’s a mess. Taiwan will be in danger too. 


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Just now, oblong said:

I think Trump winning will have a serious threat to global affairs. Russia will steamroll Ukraine and go after Poland and given his talk about NATO…. We won’t step up. Our allies might.  Then it’s a mess. Taiwan will be in danger too. 


Yes, that could be be a big problem too.  I just don't know enough about international stuff to know how likely that is.  Trump could be bluffing about the NATO talk, but I really don't trust him to do the right thing about anything.  I want him out of the way.  

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There could (and probably will be) major cuts to transit, environmental projects and protection, education, research...you get the drill. A lot of damage can be done in four years, and once cuts to funding and regulations have been made, it's difficult to get them back. Here in Boston we've already seen what happens to a transit system that's underfunded and neglected for decades, and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of infrastructure nationwide that was only beginning to be addressed 30+ years after it should have been. 

And it isn't only the poor that will be affected. 

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20 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

I don't think Trump getting elected is going to end our Democracy.  I want him to lose because he is a horrible person and A horrible President.  I want the Republicans to lose because they are bad for people who need help the most.  If Trump wins and the Republicans win Congress, we will still have a Democracy, but there will massive cuts to programs that help poor, disabled, unhealthy and others who need help.  That would pretty much guarantee that the Democrats will be back in power in 2029, but I prefer we don't go through all that. 

I don't see how my protest vote has any effect on whether Biden beats Trump, so I am not worried about that.  


Half the population lost a right they had for 50 years because of Trump. Thousands of people died unnecessarily because of Trump. Whole generations will be affected because of Trump’s Supreme Court. Trump is promising to deport millions of people. You do your protest vote because Biden is old. 

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35 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

Half the population lost a right they had for 50 years because of Trump. Thousands of people died unnecessarily because of Trump. Whole generations will be affected because of Trump’s Supreme Court. Trump is promising to deport millions of people. You do your protest vote because Biden is old. 

OK, I will.  Thanks for the advice Cecil.  

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2 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

... The argument that he's old is a legitimate one.  If you look at Biden 10 years ago and Biden today, there is a huge difference. Everybody is ...

I liken this to Reagan in '84. 

He was already showing strong signs of Alzheimer's and you could see Nancy and the RNC doing everything they could do to protect/ hide his condition. And he deteriorated even further over the next 4 years of his presidency. And I hated LOTS of his policies. Moral Majority? I'm an Atheist. Crap all over the environment? No. Trickle down economics that benefits the top 1% and ****s the middle class and lower? Pure garbage. But he was the president we needed, both in 1980 AND in 1984. Nothing else mattered.

I look at Biden in exactly the same vein...

He is no different in 2024 than in 2020... At least with respect to: He is the president we need. Doesn't matter if his age is showing. Doesn't matter if he is slipping some. Doesn't matter if the Dems should be looking at younger/ more invigorating presidential candidates. Doesn't matter if he is a Centrist, not a Progressive. Doesn't matter that he's pissed off the pro-Palestinian Progressives. Or any Progressive. (Funny thing being that he's passed more Progressive Legislature or Future-of-America Legislation than anyone since LBJ...).

The only thing that matters is he's the guy we need in 2024.

Which I think you've also already stated as such... come November: he's the only choice.

Just my thoughts on the matter...

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George Washington hated political parties and warned us against them. Blames the rise of parties on Jefferson and Hamilton, two of his Cabinet members


"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

 Right now I'm hoping to get thru 2024 in one piece, and if we're still around in 2028 I'm backing Maryland Governor Wes Moore. Grew up in the projects, was a Captain in the Army's 82nd airborne division in Afghanistan, graduated from John Hopkins and Oxford. An accomplished Author.



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