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2024 Presidential Election thread


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7 minutes ago, oblong said:

I don't know... I think those people being referred to are already in the bag and being counted.


From living in a fairly conservative, exurban area, my only real observation is that this election cycle seems a lot more low-energy than 2016 and 2020 so far. 

Whether it remains that way, we will see.

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14 minutes ago, smr-nj said:

I just have a feeling that she will either:
- accept the VP nod (which would involve who knows what kind of promises benefitting you know who).

- endorse him (you know who…p.s.-NOT Biden😁) within a week

She will endorse him.  He won't let her be VP.  

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6 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

For Biden being weak and unpopular, when has it ever shown in any election? Democrats have done nothing but win since January 6th. Wouldn't this show up somewhere? 

I think it's anti-Trump more than pro-Biden.  His favorability rating is still really low.  

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8 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

Well Kansas was never on the table for Democrats. It's weird how legal trouble and impeachments are always spun to help Republicans. When a Democrat is investigated over emails, it tanks the entire campaign. 

Yeah, that single data point is a bubble of its own.  Except, and I tell you i have this feeling that we are being set up to spend our dollars and be eyeballs to a show that is pretty much already decided and pretty boring (a Biden win). 

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1 minute ago, Tiger337 said:

I think it's anti-Trump more than pro-Biden.  His favorability rating is still really low.  

I think it's soft unfavourability. If you answer somewhat satisfied or somewhat dissatisfied, most pollsters call that unfavorable. Trump meanwhile has higher extreme dissatisfied. 

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2 minutes ago, romad1 said:

Yeah, that single data point is a bubble of its own.  Except, and I tell you i have this feeling that we are being set up to spend our dollars and be eyeballs to a show that is pretty much already decided and pretty boring (a Biden win). 

Just my two cents, but the reaction from 2016 (and confirmed to an extent in 2020) has, for many commentators in elite media circles (think Damon Linker, for instance), been to assume the absolute worst case scenario for things happening outside of whatever their circle of life is like.

It's like the reverse Pauline Kael, where they are too self-aware of how different their environment is that they make assumptions of what things are like elsewhere.

Life in rural/exurban America is complicated.... yes, it is Trumpier, but that doesn't mean everyone who lives in these areas is Trumpy. And there's a geographic split as well, whereby these areas in northern states (Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, etc) are more secular or mainline Catholic/Protestant vs. evangelical (like in the south or in states like Indiana), that has an impact on how voters vote in these areas.

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11 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

From living in a fairly conservative, exurban area, my only real observation is that this election cycle seems a lot more low-energy than 2016 and 2020 so far. 

Whether it remains that way, we will see.

Interesting observation. Speaking as one that will vote for neither candidate, I could not fault anyone for not being excited about either candidate. We’ve seen what most of a full term looks like for Biden and what a full term for Trump looks like and there are plenty of reasons to be “low-energy” this time around. 

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7 minutes ago, 1776 said:

Interesting observation. Speaking as one that will vote for neither candidate, I could not fault anyone for not being excited about either candidate. We’ve seen what most of a full term looks like for Biden and what a full term for Trump looks like and there are plenty of reasons to be “low-energy” this time around. 

Totally, as I've said, I would be surprised if this wasn't a lower turnout election across the board.

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1 hour ago, Tigeraholic1 said:

Example of the crazy level for Mormons. My Niece and Nephews had to qualify at a 100 yard range with a rifle at 10 years old to move into the adolescence class of thier Mormon studues. Basically bible school. 


Yes, crazy.

Although that may be defensive more than anything.

I'm guessing they feel a bit like the State of Israel surrounded by people who don't really like them. Obviously not as dire as Israel...

I'm just sayin'...

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45 minutes ago, romad1 said:

...  I'd ask.  Do we collectively MOTOWNFORUM live in a bubble about Trump's prevailing strength in the red lands beyond our surburban bastions?   And, do we delude ourselves about his hidden strength in the actual places where there are voters. 



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2 hours ago, 1984Echoes said:

An entire RED state is going to flip BLUE for Biden in November because of Never-Trumpers.

My prediction: Utah flips and votes Biden.

Book it!

I'll take that action for a thousand dollars.

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1 hour ago, romad1 said:


Not only will Nikki not endorse Biden, she actually said on MTP that she has concerns about Donald Trump, but even more concerns about Joe Biden ... so, yeah, Trump.

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1 hour ago, mtutiger said:


I also think she doesn't have a ton of incentive to go any further than her statement today either....

I think the incentive is to stay relevant and continually ensconced in each news cycle.

She could do that by continuing to slag Trump, but that would torpedo her standing in the Republican Party for good. Or, she could continue to lightly critique him, pulling her punches in public, while negotiating with him in private for a job with the Trump administration—perhaps ambassadorship to a first-world EU country—which would lead to an endorsement.

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6 minutes ago, chasfh said:

Not only will Nikki not endorse Biden, she actually said on MTP that she has concerns about Donald Trump, but even more concerns about Joe Biden ... so, yeah, Trump.

She definitely could end up endorsing Trump, but from reading her statement today, it'd be easy for her to not just opine at all on the subject going forward.

It really comes down to incentives.... if there aren't incentives for her to say anything further, I doubt she will. And I don't see what an endorsement actually gets her.

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2 minutes ago, chasfh said:

She could do that by continuing to slag Trump, but that would torpedo her standing in the Republican Party for good.

In a GOP that is completely dominated by Donald Trump, I'd argue her standing is currently pretty torpedo'd

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1 hour ago, romad1 said:

So had a conversation with a smart person at breakfast who referring back to his family in SW Kansas says that all the Trump legal trouble is helping him with the people out there.  He made the comment that i'm living in a bubble if i dont' see the possible Trump win in November.  

Of course I see it as possible.  He's telling me this to scare me.  He'd as worried as anyone.  

I'd ask.  Do we collectively MOTOWNFORUM live in a bubble about Trump's prevailing strength in the red lands beyond our surburban bastions?   And, do we delude ourselves about his hidden strength in the actual places where there are voters. 

So, I don't know anything about your smart person's background or his agenda, but he is insisting to you that rural southwest SW Kansas is actually a reliable representation of where all of America truly is, and is not a bubble unto itself? Do I have that straight?


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