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2024 Presidential Election thread


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6 minutes ago, oblong said:

When Truman was selected as VP by the backroom they knew they were picking the next President.  It's one of the many parallels he shares with Gerald Ford.  Neither wanted the job and were picked as VP due to their non threatening nature and the fact they would be acceptable as the next POTUS to everyone in the party, and across the aisle in Ford's case.

The "backroom" knew Wallace was a soviet agent. 

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14 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

Newsom polls worse than Biden. Republicans fall in line and Democrats wet themselves. 

I think its 50-50 that the bedwetters will either demand that Joe step down or Joe does it himself.   The election either gets a lot easier or harder after that. 

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8 minutes ago, romad1 said:

I think its 50-50 that the bedwetters will either demand that Joe step down or Joe does it himself.   The election either gets a lot easier or harder after that. 

I'm torn, because the elite media crowd is often really really wrong on matters of public opinion. I wouldn't be surprised if this didn't move the needle much overall TBH

OTOH, they have a lot of power to set the narrative, it's already been set and is *further being reinforced*, and he's not getting any younger. And even beyond Joe's age issue, the most common refrain I've heard (to the extent people talk about the election) in real life is "these are our options, really?"

People need to be clear that if they make a change, it's going to be Kamala Harris. She's the VP, she's the only option that has gone through a full background vetting, going around her would create additional schisms within the party. But this has also been a relatively stable race from the beginning - her being elevated would upend that.

I would add as well that while people focus on her negatives, to the extent Biden's age is the thing dragging him down, this would take that off the table, and potentially point it back at Trump (who is 78 and incoherent in his own right)

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1 minute ago, pfife said:

The cspan callers, ie the pulse of the nation, is much more ambivalent on the debate than I was expecting.

I'm not sure what the CSPAN callers are saying, but Trump's debate performance was objectively terrible last night as well, so it shouldn't exactly be surprising that people listening to the substance are more ambivalent than a lot of folks in elite media IMO, who are almost exclusively judging on style here.

But I do think it highlights the biggest weakness for Biden, IMO: that Trump said a lot of crazy last night and made a bunch of mistakes of his own ("black jobs", tripling down on not accepting the results of the next election, his J6 answer, etc.), but that ultimately he wasn't able to do as much as he should to capitalize on that. I think that's where people's concern about his age / acuity matter.... the debate may end up being a wash but he probably needs to do more than just a wash to change the dynamic of this race.

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24 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

I'm not sure what the CSPAN callers are saying, but Trump's debate performance was objectively terrible last night as well, so it shouldn't exactly be surprising that people listening to the substance are more ambivalent than a lot of folks in elite media IMO, who are almost exclusively judging on style here.

But I do think it highlights the biggest weakness for Biden, IMO: that Trump said a lot of crazy last night and made a bunch of mistakes of his own ("black jobs", tripling down on not accepting the results of the next election, his J6 answer, etc.), but that ultimately he wasn't able to do as much as he should to capitalize on that. I think that's where people's concern about his age / acuity matter.... the debate may end up being a wash but he probably needs to do more than just a wash to change the dynamic of this race.

Yeah, a lot of people noted the deliberate crapitudes that Trump spouted.  He was not the person who lowered the cost of insulin.  

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6 minutes ago, MichiganCardinal said:

As much as I don’t like her (or any political prosecutor), a Harris/Buttigieg ticket may win running away. I don’t think Joe would allow it though and I don’t think anyone would stand up to him about it.

I also don’t think it’s even necessary. It’s June. He’s just old. His opponent is a felon who led a coup.

Maybe they are proven right in the end, but my sense is that a lot of people are getting a little too far over their skis without waiting for actual data to come in.

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Exclusive: DNC moves ahead on all-virtual roll call for Biden presidential nomination • Ohio Capital Journal


DNC members finalized their vote Thursday to move forward with an all-virtual roll call vote after 360 members voted in favor, two voted against and five abstained, according to a spokesperson. 

In addition, the DNC will offer an online portal for Democrats to say what they want to see included in the national party platform as it is constructed ahead of the convention.

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison wrote in a statement that during the first term of the Biden-Harris administration, “we’ve seen the incredible outcomes that can result when democratic ideas are put into action.” 


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