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2024 Presidential Election thread


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22 minutes ago, oblong said:

I think the potical class and twitter folks need to understand that they are not reality.  Nobody, figuratively-not literally, watches the network news shows. Most people didn't even watch the debate.  They live in a world where they think their opinion still matters.  It doesn't.


Polls said this was going to be watched by "most" people. 

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23 minutes ago, oblong said:

I think the potical class and twitter folks need to understand that they are not reality.  Nobody, figuratively-not literally, watches the network news shows. Most people didn't even watch the debate.  They live in a world where they think their opinion still matters.  It doesn't.


The chutzpah of these guys talking about "Twitter is not real life" when they are two of the most Twitter-brained people on my feed lol

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1 hour ago, Hongbit said:

Biden won the debate by a landslide but he’s always been a very poor public speaker.  This was on graphic display for the first 20 minutes and unfortunately plays into the only real question mark to his campaign, which is age and cognitive ability.

He was never a poor public speaker, in fact his public speaking was a plus for him.  He wasn't polished like a lot of other politicians, but came off as just a 'normal Joe'.   In the last several years is when you've first heard about him not being a good speaker, that's nothing but a push by his side to downplay expectations.

1 hour ago, Hongbit said:

You should go back and watch.  Biden settled down and ended up doing very well.  He absolutely destroyed Trump in the debate.   Trump was horrendous.  He did nothing to help himself.  He lied 95% of the time and rarely answered any of the direct questions.    He babbled on about how he was fantastic without offering any actual substance.   Typical Don BS that we’ve grown accustomed to seeing. 

On substance Biden won, hands down, it wasn't close.  But unfortunately that doesn't mean he won debate.  Was the Nixon/Kennedy debate close?  I honestly don't know, all I know is Nixon lost horribly because he didn't wear make up.  

Additionally, how many people stuck around to watch Biden settle down, which I agree he did.  I'm hearing quite a few say they turned it off early as it was too brutal. 

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5 minutes ago, ewsieg said:

He was never a poor public speaker, in fact his public speaking was a plus for him.  He wasn't polished like a lot of other politicians, but came off as just a 'normal Joe'.   In the last several years is when you've first heard about him not being a good speaker, that's nothing but a push by his side to downplay expectations.

On substance Biden won, hands down, it wasn't close.  But unfortunately that doesn't mean he won debate.  Was the Nixon/Kennedy debate close?  I honestly don't know, all I know is Nixon lost horribly because he didn't wear make up.  

Additionally, how many people stuck around to watch Biden settle down, which I agree he did.  I'm hearing quite a few say they turned it off early as it was too brutal. 

Initial ratings suggest a 30% decline versus 2020 as well.... mirrors people's relative lack of interest in this election, on one hand maybe hide's the performance to a degree, but the downside for Biden too is that the coverage thereafter (which has been disastrous, fair or not) is likely to fill in people's perceptions of the event more had more tuned in and watched the whole way through

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Just now, mtutiger said:

Initial ratings suggest a 30% decline versus 2020 as well.... mirrors people's relative lack of interest in this election, on one hand maybe hide's the performance to a degree, but the downside for Biden too is that the coverage thereafter (which has been disastrous, fair or not) is likely to fill in people's perceptions of the event more had more tuned in and watched the whole way through

This is my issue with Dems setting their hair on fire over this. The coverage after is more damaging than the debate itself. 

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Just now, Motown Bombers said:

This is my issue with Dems setting their hair on fire over this. The coverage after is more damaging than the debate itself. 

Certainly the Dems aren't helping themselves with their messaging, but the media has been absolutely savage since this debate took place. And that would have happened regardless.

They can't just ignore their way out of this.

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Just now, mtutiger said:

Certainly the Dems aren't helping themselves with their messaging, but the media has been absolutely savage since this debate took place. And that would have happened regardless.

They can't just ignore their way out of this.

Right and the Dems need to start talking about his accomplishments instead of openly talking about replacing Biden with the governor of California. Didn't they learn anything from Trump's conviction? Republicans weren't openly having conversations about replacing Trump with Kristi Noem.

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Just now, mtutiger said:

Certainly the Dems aren't helping themselves with their messaging, but the media has been absolutely savage since this debate took place. And that would have happened regardless.

They can't just ignore their way out of this.

This isn't Matt Millen level bad.  He had to go...we knew that the wilderness remained in front of us when he was fired. 

This is thinking you have Dave Dombrowski for the foreseeable future and ending up with Al Avila.  You might still compete with a veteran roster but, damn...

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2 minutes ago, romad1 said:

This isn't Matt Millen level bad.  He had to go...we knew that the wilderness remained in front of us when he was fired. 

This is thinking you have Dave Dombrowski for the foreseeable future and ending up with Al Avila.  You might still compete with a veteran roster but, damn...

This is like firing Dombrowski over the Edgar Renteria trade and ignoring all the other good trades he made. 

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8 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

Right and the Dems need to start talking about his accomplishments instead of openly talking about replacing Biden with the governor of California. Didn't they learn anything from Trump's conviction? Republicans weren't openly having conversations about replacing Trump with Kristi Noem.

The Democratic Party isn't a cult built around Joe Biden, that seems like a pretty significant difference.

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Just now, mtutiger said:

The Democratic Party isn't a cult built around Joe Biden, that seems like a pretty significant difference.

They're being a bunch of pansies and talking about fantasies of what white governor they want to replace Biden with. They need to fall in line behind Biden or get their useless ass out of the way. 

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13 hours ago, CMRivdogs said:

From my X feed Biden did seem to improve after the first half hour, but how many actually stuck around that long? The optics were horrible in the early going. 


All you need to beat Trump in a debate is "baseline bad".  However, Biden was a complete disaster in the early going and there was no way to overcome that first impression. 

Trump sucked in the debate too, but he sucked in ways that aren't going to influence the average voter.  He never answers any questions or gives any solutions.  It's just whining and insults and claims about The United States being a ****hole country under Biden.  However, he spoke loudly and confidently which is all that's going to matter to his followers and a lot of undecideds.  

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13 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

The Democratic Party isn't a cult built around Joe Biden, that seems like a pretty significant difference.

Right, there is no comparison.  Trump is extremely popular with his base and the Republican Party is screwed without them, so they fall in line.  Biden is not as widely loved.  He is just the current representaive of Democratic principles.  They aren't ikely to lose whatever base he has if they go with a new candidate.  The problem with switching this late though is if the switch to Newsome or Whitmer or whomever is going to make the party look unstable which could hurt them with undecideds.   

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2 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

Can't wait until after the 4th and Biden is back ahead in the polls, the debate forgotten about, and Dems changed their soiled underpants. 

The debate was not an isolated incident.  It was his worst moment of the campaign but it was more a confimation of a pattern than a surprise.   

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2 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

Right, there is no comparison.  Trump is extremely popular with his base and the Republican Party is screwed without them, so they fall in line.  Biden is not as widely loved.  He is just the current representaive of Democratic principles.  They aren't ikely to lose whatever base he has if they go with a new candidate.  The problem with switching this late though is if the switch to Newsome or Whitmer or whomever is going to make the party look unstable which could hurt them with undecideds.   

It would be an entire cluster**** to bypass the current vice president for their favorite white governor who there isn't a 100% consensus on and does worse in limited polling than Biden. Newsom and Whitmer didn't get a single vote. The party would literally be choosing the candidate against the wishes of millions of voters. On top of that, Newsom could very well be facing his own recall election. Just insanity. 

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Just now, Motown Bombers said:

It would be an entire cluster**** to bypass the current vice president for their favorite white governor who there isn't a 100% consensus on and does worse in limited polling than Biden. Newsom and Whitmer didn't get a single vote. The party would literally be choosing the candidate against the wishes of millions of voters. On top of that, Newsom could very well be facing his own recall election. Just insanity. 

I understand that, but if voters get the impression that Biden is not mentally fit and is going downhill, I fear that is going to really hurt voter turnout.  And it wouldn't be a matter of bypassing Biden.  They would have to convince him to drop out due to a "medical problem".  I am not saying that SHOULD happen, but Biden's speaking problems have grown into a significant concern.  It's no longer just a Fox News sound clip.  

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