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2024 Presidential Election thread


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I saw a tweet referencing Paul Begala about Joe needing to drop out... something Shakespearean about a bunch of media/pundit dinosaurs talking this way.  Anyone reach out to Chris Mathews yet?  This is the leftwing equivalent of Fox News always trotting out the likes of Gingrich or **** Morris to talk about today's issues.  Sometimes both sides are the same.

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3 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:


As I think about it, it makes total sense that donations would spike, and not fall. Biden's objectively horrific performance exposed huge fault lines in our democratic republic, the kind that could end the whole thing in the wrong hands. It scared people straight about how this election could slip away, and be perhaps the last free and fair election we ever see. Backs are against the wall, and when an animal gets cornered, thats' when they become the most dangerous. And make no mistake: between this, the Congress, and the courts, we are cornered.

IOW, as someone once said ...


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1 minute ago, chasfh said:

As I think about it, it makes total sense that donations would spike, and not fall. Biden's objectively horrific performance exposed huge fault lines in our democratic republic, the kind that could end the whole thing in the wrong hands. It scared people straight about how this election could slip away, and be perhaps the last free and fair election we ever see. Backs are against the wall, and when an animal gets cornered, thats' when they become the most dangerous. And make no mistake: between this, the Congress, and the courts, we are cornered.

IOW, as someone once said ...


Which means no one abandoned Biden because of the debate. 

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Just now, chasfh said:

I wouldn't say no one, in the absolutist sense, but I would say those who are committed are amping up the commitment, and that's a positive.

Obama took a substantial hit in the polls after his 2012 debate. Biden came out fine, better than I expected. We're also ignoring all the post Dobbs elections that have been going Democrats way. This is looking more like the 2022 mid terms. 

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25 minutes ago, chasfh said:

As I think about it, it makes total sense that donations would spike, and not fall. Biden's objectively horrific performance exposed huge fault lines in our democratic republic, the kind that could end the whole thing in the wrong hands. It scared people straight about how this election could slip away, and be perhaps the last free and fair election we ever see. Backs are against the wall, and when an animal gets cornered, thats' when they become the most dangerous. And make no mistake: between this, the Congress, and the courts, we are cornered.

IOW, as someone once said ...


I also think the reactions suggest that, as many said in the aftermath of the debate, the risk wasn't so much Trump gain votes/share versus the fear that Biden would lose support to third parties (or by people staying home)

I truly believe a majority of Americans do not want Trump to become President again, regardless of what the polls say or them showing Trump with a larger share than Biden at least. But they fear Biden's age and his ability to hold over the next four years. I think he's been a better President than many have given him credit for, but it's a fear that will never be alleviated: father time comes for us all. 

The way these past few days have played out doesn't suggest to me that the dynamic is going to change. The NC appearance was a start, but no interviews, no TV, a strong but brief statement on yesterday's ugly SCOTUS statement. Just doesn't inspire confidence at all that he can fix this.

Edited by mtutiger
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2 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

Trump is in worse health than Biden. This doesn’t make sense. He could drop dead January 21st. We’ll be fine. Because Biden might die we are just going to let Trump win who is just as likely to die?

But he doesn't look like he is, and that's the whole ball of wax, isn't it? You can rant and rave at voters on this point all you want, but they're still gonna vote based on it, so rather than shaming them for feeling it, the age/health thing has to be positioned in some way as being a non-issue, which most would agree is a tall, tall order.

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3 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

Trump is in worse health than Biden. This doesn’t make sense. He could drop dead January 21st. We’ll be fine. Because Biden might die we are just going to let Trump win who is just as likely to die?

This is all fine and dandy with me, but this is about the general voting public. The median voter.

Winning this election isn't you and me, it's about putting the best foot forward for those voters (along with keeping the base motivated). And on this front, this has been a losing campaign to date in my view.

Something needs to change... Whether it's through Biden quelling these fears or stepping aside and letting Harris take the baton

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1 minute ago, chasfh said:

But he doesn't look like he is, and that's the whole ball of wax, isn't it? You can rant and rave at voters on this point all you want, but they're still gonna vote based on it, so rather than shaming them for feeling it, the age/health thing has to be positioned in some way as being a non-issue, which most would agree is a tall, tall order.

Or remind them Trump is 78 and morbidly obese whereas Biden rides his bike almost daily. Trump also slurs his speech at every rally. The evidence is there. 

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1 minute ago, mtutiger said:

This is all fine and dandy with me, but this is about the general voting public. The median voter.

Winning this election isn't you and me, it's about putting the best foot forward for those voters (along with keeping the base motivated). And on this front, this has been a losing campaign to date in my view.

Something needs to change... Whether it's through Biden quelling these fears or stepping aside and letting Harris take the baton

Biden has a much better ground game. Does Trump even have a campaign office open? Momentum is on the Dems side. Everybody left Biden for dead in the primary in 2020. The election isn’t won in June and according to 538 he is in the lead. 

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Setting aside the other candidates because that won't happen regardless, the Olivia Nuzzi types (purposefully or otherwise) always seem to miss that there is some risk that Harris could potentially recenter issues of age and health on Trump.

We are currently, fairly or not, having these question about Biden at age 81. Yet Trump, should he win, will actually be older at this point in his next term. That's a legitimate issue that is impossible to exploit at this point.

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