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2024 Presidential Election thread


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30 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

Or remind them Trump is 78 and morbidly obese whereas Biden rides his bike almost daily. Trump also slurs his speech at every rally. The evidence is there. 

And yet despite it being there and available to all, the impression voters have is still that Trump is way more physcially and mentally fit to be president:



And I promise you these top two numbers are no better for Biden now than they were in April.

So ... now what?

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3 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:


He was definitely tired of being called a bed wetter.  

I think we can all agree that a bed ****ter is worse than a bed wetter.  Much worse actually.  Is there another level of paranoia that one could reach to hit bed ****ter status?  How bad would that have to be? 

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16 minutes ago, Tigeraholic1 said:

She looks like a the Crypt Keeper. Yeesh

She looks like the responsible person in government who decided to leave the top job when she knew it might be an issue.   RBG we are looking in the direction of your ghost which should haunt the halls of the Supreme Court because you didn't leave this mortal coil with your work finished. 

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Just now, romad1 said:

She looks like the responsible person in government who decided to leave the top job when she knew it might be an issue.   RBG we are looking in the direction of your ghost which should haunt the halls of the Supreme Court because you didn't leave this mortal coil with your work finished. 

Biden did that but a bunch of Bernie or bust ****stains and Republicans who later became never Trumpers couldn’t vote for Hillary. 

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18 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

So we got a dem congressman calling on Biden to drop out. The toothpaste is out of the tube now. Of course dems won’t settle on a replacement. A self created cluster****. 

Don’t get mad at the congressman.  He’s just doing his job of taking money from a special interest to advance their agenda.   Be mad at who’s paying him.  

Edited by Hongbit
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Honestly.... if Biden is too old and they have to invoke the 25th or he dies..... so what?  We have Kamala as President, same advisors, etc.  Nothing changes except now we have an incumbent running in 2028.  The ony question to be answered is whether Biden can beat Trump.  The question on whether he would be a better president or the country would be better off is not a question in any sense of the word.   The people I see calling for him to drop out were ready to back people like Cruz or Rubio or Dem dinosaurs from the 90's or media pundits from washed up organizations.


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