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2024 Presidential Election thread


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21 minutes ago, Hongbit said:

But Trump losing will make them much more money.

He’s not going to concede and that’s the biggest possible news story.  God only knows what he’ll create this time.  Probably something more evil than the attack on the Capital.  He’s got his own Supreme Court to back him now too.    

If it were about money and the bigger story, they would be backing Biden and hoping for the Trump scorched earth response.

They will be protected in their ivory towers.  

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Posted (edited)

I don't even blame the media anymore. They aren't talking about the debate anymore. They are all talking about these Dems talking about Biden dropping out. Trump hasn't had a public event in 10 days. Spineless impotent Dems are doing the work for him. 

Edited by Motown Bombers
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6 minutes ago, romad1 said:

One more hand that Motown Bomber will slap as it stretches out.

This actually isn't new. He cut this ad when Liz was running for re-election. Everyone on the Bulwark wants to replace Biden and guys like Tim Miller wants to replace he and Harris for an all white ticket. Sorry but former Republicans don't just get to come in and choose the candidate and **** on the base. 

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10 hours ago, oblong said:

But see… I think voters are actually thinking about policy but it’s our overlords in the media who think they still have the power to dictate what people think. And when you push back on them they expose themselves as knowing their livelihood is threatened.   But rank and file voters don’t really care about it and know Biden is old and will take the risk. It’s the pundits who have a problem. They need ratings and podcast hits and clicks.  

To a point yes, which honestly likely explains why why we're in this position as our 'overlord media' refused to try and look into if this was an issue.   They were fine pointing out policy differences (democracy vs ahhh, not so much democracy) until it was thrust upon them that one might not even be able to be president.  At this time, this is RGB all over again.  Complete confidence that no one would get in the way from ensuring their legacy would carry on, only to get screwed.  

If the numbers show that a delusional old man, that I personally know has put women in extremely uncomfortable positions and likely skated ethic issues to help his son earn money versus an orange man that has done bad things to women and was unethical to help his family, but also wants to be a 'supreme leader', I'll do everything to support him.  

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55 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

This actually isn't new. He cut this ad when Liz was running for re-election. Everyone on the Bulwark wants to replace Biden and guys like Tim Miller wants to replace he and Harris for an all white ticket. Sorry but former Republicans don't just get to come in and choose the candidate and **** on the base. 

You're right, they don't get to choose.  But, it's not everyday that an opposing party's workers publicly reach out to the opposition and not only says it's imperative that their party loses, but maybe you should look into x, y, and z in how to defeat them.

Might be worth giving a listen instead of thinking of Biden like Kim...what's the handicap of someone that gets 11 hole in ones in a round?   6 like Biden?  

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33 minutes ago, ewsieg said:

You're right, they don't get to choose.  But, it's not everyday that an opposing party's workers publicly reach out to the opposition and not only says it's imperative that their party loses, but maybe you should look into x, y, and z in how to defeat them.

Might be worth giving a listen instead of thinking of Biden like Kim...what's the handicap of someone that gets 11 hole in ones in a round?   6 like Biden?  

This should have been done two years ago then. Why do we think a whole primary and 14 million votes don’t matter? We heard their ideas and they aren’t feasible. Time to move on. 

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, ewsieg said:

You're right, they don't get to choose.  But, it's not everyday that an opposing party's workers publicly reach out to the opposition and not only says it's imperative that their party loses, but maybe you should look into x, y, and z in how to defeat them.

Might be worth giving a listen instead of thinking of Biden like Kim...what's the handicap of someone that gets 11 hole in ones in a round?   6 like Biden?  

The whole of the race is really in an bizokers place.  The thing that seems to be at work to me is that some people (e.g., my hausfrau) saw Biden and some became inconsolable because he wasn't dynamically and effectively fighting each of Trump's lies.  Others saw Trump's lies and said: "oh yeah that's why I could never vote for that jackwagon."

The right mode of attack is:

  • Project 2025 is autocracy,
  • Ukraine is the bulwark of Democracy,  (that if it falls, war in Taiwan will follow which will draw in your sons and daughters.)
  • Trump led a coup on Jan 6 2021,  (Those self-entitled neckbeards think they own the country not you.)
  • only 4 of 44 of Trump's cabinet and no former GOP Presidents or VPs support him,
  • Roe vs Wade, (which was made possible by the next item)
  • A right's-snatching Supreme Court (comprised of corrupt and contemptible hacks put in place by)
  • a RW star chamber and Mitch (looks worse than Biden did in the Debate) McConnell
  • and then lastly: Joe is a good man. 

Another thing to run on would be:

  • Kamela Harris is a good person who can prosecute the case against Trump and carry on the prosecution of the war in Ukraine with the same foreign policy team after Biden dies
Edited by romad1
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7 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:


Biden took a (self-inflicted) hit and he’s not holler “I’m dying”, inconsolably or otherwise. He’s fighting. Therefore, by the transitive property, that should appeal to male voters.

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7 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:

This should have been done two years ago then. Why do we think a whole primary and 14 million votes don’t matter? We heard their ideas and they aren’t feasible. Time to move on. 

I'm not saying they don't matter, but how many of them feel now that the version of Biden they voted for was a lie? I was not sucked into the lie that Biden was completely fine and even I was shocked by the debate.  And he follows it up with a 20 minute taped interview....are you kidding me?  Maybe i'm wrong, but the actions of the campaign/administration after this doesn't exude confidence either.

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27 minutes ago, ewsieg said:

I'm not saying they don't matter, but how many of them feel now that the version of Biden they voted for was a lie? I was not sucked into the lie that Biden was completely fine and even I was shocked by the debate.  And he follows it up with a 20 minute taped interview....are you kidding me?  Maybe i'm wrong, but the actions of the campaign/administration after this doesn't exude confidence either.

It’s quite the opposite. Dems on the ground are mad at these rat****ers in the Democratic Party. Debbie Dingell changed her tune after she went and talked to people on the ground. Mark Warner gave up on his coup attempt after it got leaked and the base lit up his office. These rat****ers miscalculated. 

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Posted (edited)

This is a compelling narrative for 2024.   I realize she isn't running but this idea is compelling.  Trump's Project 2025 want to go back to christofascism.  But this...


“Where women used to be demure, now, you know, if a woman is talking about menstruation she might say, ‘Well, it’s Shark Week, mother---,’” Whitmer said. “It’s funny and it’s about women’s empowerment, and it makes me smile. So I would write, ‘It’s Shark Week’ on top of my paper.”

She meant that instead of following her debate coaches advice to put a smiley face at the top of her debate notes, which she thought was inauthentic and saccarine, she instead put the Kevin Hart bit about Shark Week. 

Gretchen Whitmer Explains "Shark Week, Mother****er" Comment (buzzfeednews.com)

And as umpteen number of ads during the Tiger telecast yesterday told me ITS SHARK WEEK!

And Trump is terrified of sharks. 

Edited by romad1
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Let's be clear what's being said here: Biden is not telling Congressional Democrats he is staying in this race, nor is he informing them or advising them. Biden is warning them he is staying in this race. That is, Biden is threatening Congressional Democrats with staying in this race. That is how this is being framed.




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Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, chasfh said:

Let's be clear what's being said here: Biden is not telling Congressional Democrats he is staying in this race, nor is he informing them or advising them. Biden is warning them he is staying in this race. That is, Biden is threatening Congressional Democrats with staying in this race. That is how this is being framed.




This should cut the legs out from under everything trying to replace him.

He should’ve done the Jordan Belfort a week ago and so much of this drama would’ve never happened.  Not great work from whomever on his team handles crisis management.   

Edited by Hongbit
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12 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

Dems need to be talking about this nonstop instead of rat****ing Joe Biden. 


Once October comes around, and people really start paying attention because they have to make choices now, the Republicans are going to be in a huge bind. They are not going to win a free and fair election. Only the Supreme Court can help them win.

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Both candidates are past their sell by dates. I really think both candidates need to swallow their pride and submit to the usual battery of tests any 75 year old man or woman should undergo by a battery of independent physicians and psychologists . 

Actually, I'll take it one step farther, all candidates, no matter their age, should submit these tests. We were lied to about FDR, JFK, and who knows who else. These folks are working for us and we have a right to know. HIPPA laws be damned.

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I truly think Bernie would have won in 2016. He had his own cult-like backing (though not one that would storm the Capital for him) and I really think he would have carried WI/MI/PA, which would have allowed him to win by a razor thin margin. Look back at those Dem primaries and you could see the trouble on the horizon. Bernie ran away with Wisconsin and won a shocker in Michigan, despite polling in the ballpark of -30 behind Hillary.

But he wasn't nominated because the DNC wanted a united front behind Hillary. They were determined to show that there was an answer to succession after Obama, and it was predetermined set in stone, and it was Hillary Clinton. The superdelegates pledged their allegiance early and the predetermined results were force fed to voters. The faction that resulted cost Hillary (and America) in the end.

Then in 2020, the Dems had more of a free market primary, but settled on Biden quickly, swiftly, and the party got behind him in full force. There was no in-fighting. By Super Tuesday, most every candidate had dropped out and endorsed Biden.

That's all neither here nor there at this point. My point is... Why now - months after the faux primaries and with an incumbent in office who does not want to leave - are we playing this game that there needs to be a free market to determine the Democratic candidate? We've never played by that rule. When we have our candidate - the anointed Democratic candidate - the rule is we get behind them and shun the other candidates, or anyone who speaks out against them.

And when it works, it works. The Party united behind Biden in 2020, and he won. The party united behind Obama in 2008, and he won handily. The party did not successfully unite behind Hillary, leaving swaths of Bernie supporters in the dust and a DNC in shambles, and she lost. Why are we trending towards 2016 rather than 2020?

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