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2024 Presidential Election thread


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20 minutes ago, Tigeraholic1 said:

FBI deputy director  Paull Abbate just stated he is 100% certain Trump was hit with a bullet. Not glass not fragments. So that should put that to bed.

Senator Kennedy: "was it a space laser?" No Senator "was it sasquatch?"  No Senatoer, it was a murdeous bullet. Love this guy. FBI actually answering questions. Refreshing.

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3 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

You realize that most normal people have never heard of the acronym "NPC", right?

Which kinda proves a point, doesn't it?

Forgive me, I thought people were smart enough to figure that out.

The only point it is proving right now is you missed it.

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Put another way, a reason why the "weird" attack probably works better than a lot of folks would to admit is because they very way that the Dave Rubin's of the world talk, using jargon that no one has ever heard of, is pretty foreign to people who don't spend a lot of time on-line. Which is upwards of 80% of the population lol

And adding JD Vance to the ticket, who is a creature of that world, puts that out there on display and associates it with Donald Trump in a way that would have never happened has Trump made the smart choice and picked, say, Doug Burgum (like he reportedly wanted to but was talked out of by Uday and Qusay)

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1 minute ago, Screwball said:

Forgive me, I thought people were smart enough to figure that out.

Do you think the average American is going to go out of their way to figure out what Dave Rubin means when he says "NPC"?

They just hear all that stuff and think it is weird.... just as they thought Blake Masters and Kari Lake were weird when they ran for office in Arizona during 2022.

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55 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

it's pretty hilarious because it's straight out of the Roger Ailes playbook. No good deed goes unpunished.

Ailes did it on one network he controlled, others somehow are able to do it in a way where all other networks follow suit. (That's weird!).  Typical liberal both siding things.  😉 

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18 minutes ago, oblong said:

I don't know what NPC is and I don't care enough to learn.  I figure if that's your thing then you are probably weird too.


One of the biggest mistakes these social media/online types in political circles make is assuming that everyone knows exactly what they are talking about, particularly when using inside-baseball jargon. It extends beyond the right (definitely see strains of it in the far left), but it seems like it's particularly pronounced with RW commentators.

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43 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

You realize that most normal people have never heard of the acronym "NPC", right?

Which kinda proves a point, doesn't it?

Role playing games and all manner of video games use NPC.  if you don’t know that acronym it’s an indictment on you as a kid too cool for gaming.  

I’m changing my vote based on this excellent deployment of the hip term from my teen D&D years!

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