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2024 Presidential Election thread


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Yeah I think Trump is big on image and being portrayed as “cool” and being made fun of is not going over well.  And the bad press for Vance is eating at him. Trump has no principles and I know deep down despises these people, the evangelicals, and now he’s finding himself at their table in the school gym surrounded by everybody else.   It’s been an evolution and since Harris took over a lot of people are now paying attention who weren’t before. 

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3 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

She's making the announcement in Philadelphia so my guess is Shapiro.


I saw a tweet already expressing some progressives not liking it because… you know…/ he’s Jewish. 

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5 hours ago, chasfh said:

How soon before the RWM start hammering Twitter for its liberal bias for allowing pro-Kamala/anti-Trump tweets on its platform?

Has anyone here tried using twitter without logging in?  It is one scary site when I do that.  I get bombarded with absolute right wing madness.  Once I get into my account, I can avoid most of it as long as I don't click on trending topics which are mostly right wing conspiracy theories.  

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1 hour ago, oblong said:

Yeah I think Trump is big on image and being portrayed as “cool” and being made fun of is not going over well.  And the bad press for Vance is eating at him. Trump has no principles and I know deep down despises these people, the evangelicals, and now he’s finding himself at their table in the school gym surrounded by everybody else.   It’s been an evolution and since Harris took over a lot of people are now paying attention who weren’t before. 

Look, the body of evidence is there... you see it in how hard Fox is pushing back, how hard Fox is trying (and apparently failing) to get JD to clean up some of his remarks, and in observing the comments from the candidate's own campaign.

I just think people are seeing this as a false choice where using the word "weird" is the entire campaign.... it really isn't. The clips from Kamala's rally tonight suggest there's a lot of substance to the message that their campaign is trying to present. But if your opponent has a weakness, by all means, they should keep going at it and make it a theme. Sitting back and being passive is much worse.


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51 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

The Bloomberg Morning Consult poll looked really good today:

Harris +11 in Michigan

Harris +2 in Arizona

Harris +2 in Wisconsin

Harris +2 in Nevada.

Tied in Georgia

The GOP has to be in mortal fear that a lot of their business and insider support is only there because people thought a Trump win was inevitable and they needed to be on the right side, thus any serious leakage at the polls and the rats will be abandoning ship.

Edited by gehringer_2
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My mom called me the day Biden dropped out (I was busy and hadn't heard the news yet) and she was crestfallen and I told her NO, this will absolutely energize the Democrats.  They've been waiting to get behind someone younger.      I'm not as dumb as you think. .   Oh, I'm dumb, but I get a few things right.  

Joe did a good job in his term, but the debate and the labored physical movements were clear signs that he needed to step aside.   By going with his VP you can keep those policies in place.   I think Kelly is a good spokesperson on a few issues - one of them being the border - he can describe why there isn't some magic trick to fix everything and that the Republicans have routinely rejected bills that could help (because they need this to stay a crisis).  Propose what Reagan did, about getting those folks into the system so they can earn citizenship (and pay taxes too),  you know, that crazy liberal Reagan!      Also, it's pretty hard to attack Kelly (who is a 2nd amendment supporter) on reasonable gun issues.   They still will attack him on it, but Americans in the Center are absolutely in favor of at least trying some sensible gun laws.    Free Speech isn't absolute, neither should the 2nd Amendment.  There are people that have no business legally owning a fire arm of any kind and everyone knows it.   That kid in Arizona was one of them.  Dude was crazy and people were  afraid of him.  He should never have been able to legally get a gun.  

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1 hour ago, Motor City Sonics said:

It's Kelly.     

Not seeing any confirmation except a lot of opposition research against him being slung by foreign bots (which would indicate Putin thinks that's true).

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5 minutes ago, romad1 said:

Not seeing any confirmation except a lot of opposition research against him being slung by foreign bots (which would indicate Putin thinks that's true).

The oppo seems to show that Mark Kelly once sold vitamins in China and when he was on the international space station he wore a gorilla suit to mess with his fellow astronauts.


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46 minutes ago, Motor City Sonics said:

My mom called me the day Biden dropped out (I was busy and hadn't heard the news yet) and she was crestfallen and I told her NO, this will absolutely energize the Democrats.  They've been waiting to get behind someone younger.      I'm not as dumb as you think. .   Oh, I'm dumb, but I get a few things right.  

Joe did a good job in his term, but the debate and the labored physical movements were clear signs that he needed to step aside.   By going with his VP you can keep those policies in place.   I think Kelly is a good spokesperson on a few issues - one of them being the border - he can describe why there isn't some magic trick to fix everything and that the Republicans have routinely rejected bills that could help (because they need this to stay a crisis).  Propose what Reagan did, about getting those folks into the system so they can earn citizenship (and pay taxes too),  you know, that crazy liberal Reagan!      Also, it's pretty hard to attack Kelly (who is a 2nd amendment supporter) on reasonable gun issues.   They still will attack him on it, but Americans in the Center are absolutely in favor of at least trying some sensible gun laws.    Free Speech isn't absolute, neither should the 2nd Amendment.  There are people that have no business legally owning a fire arm of any kind and everyone knows it.   That kid in Arizona was one of them.  Dude was crazy and people were  afraid of him.  He should never have been able to legally get a gun.  

The Joe thing.   The perception that he had lost a step was evident when he would speak and I would tune him out even when he was talking about matters of great interest.   His cliches and patter were just part of all that.   We love gramps but he shouldn't be driving.   His foreign policy press conference after the summit was fantastic but even that I was like...this isn't helping him. 

I wonder if Harris can speak about NATO and the possible coming confrontation with the PRC over Taiwan with the same gravity.  My instinct is that as a prosecutor, she won't have the right mental toolkit for that and we will need her to ramp that up.   Trump certainly can't but his fans don't want him to do anything but act as a model for their WWE-inspired narratives about strength and aggression. 

Edited by romad1
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