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The Eduardo Rodriguez Situation.

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14 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

It's just so out of left field because the number of people with the drive and competitiveness who will work hard enough for years to become a professional athlete and then just walk away for any reason, is just about zero - in fact in my experience this is close to number one if that is what is happening. I guess Greinke came pretty close to walking away didn't he? But he was still quite young then when emotions run higher.....

Andrew Luck, Barry Sanders and Calvin come to mind

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24 minutes ago, chasfh said:

On the one hand, this makes total sense. This is the front office’s bailiwick, not the manager’s.

On the other hand, this is a really terse, icy reply

Hinch was asked Monday if the Tigers have heard from Rodriguez. 

"I have no comment on that," Hinch said, "and I won't have any comment on the Eduardo Rodriguez situation. That's for the organization to handle."


"the organization" includes Hinch does it not?  I take that as: the organization's lawyers.  

what a weird situation...just nutso

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3 minutes ago, ben9753 said:

Andrew Luck, Barry Sanders and Calvin come to mind

Luck I would count. The two Lions weren't quite the same as both had good careers in the books already and they were at the point of deciding how far to push it - and  you could certainly add Robert Smith in the list. But a football player late in a career faces a lot more permanent injury risk to keep going than a baseball player normally does. (And anyway you can't count any situation as normal with the Lions!)

Does anyone know if ERod had a history of being a guy who pitches with a lot of pain? That can certainly take the edge off your enthusiasm. I think it was Mike Mussina wrote an story after he retired about what he went through to keep pitching - didn't sound like much fun.

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23 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

Luck I would count. The two Lions weren't quite the same as both had good careers in the books already and they were at the point of deciding how far to push it - and  you could certainly add Robert Smith in the list. But a football player late in a career faces a lot more permanent injury risk to keep going than a baseball player normally does. (And anyway you can't count any situation as normal with the Lions!)

Does anyone know if ERod had a history of being a guy who pitches with a lot of pain? That can certainly take the edge off your enthusiasm. I think it was Mike Mussina wrote an story after he retired about what he went through to keep pitching - didn't sound like much fun.

I'll cite the post from above that he appeared to get injured when things got frustrating. 

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9 hours ago, chasfh said:

I'm not arguing anything. I was replying to another poster about whether the Tigers might sue.

"I’ve come around to the idea that it’s unlikely that the Tigers will sue,...."

And I'm pointing out that its not unlikely, its not gonna happen. There is no damage to sue over.

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6 hours ago, ben9753 said:

Andrew Luck, Barry Sanders and Calvin come to mind

These aren't anything close to the situation that Rodriguez is in.

Luck quit because he was injured constantly and was sick of playing.  He never ghosted his organization, and in fact let the owner know well in advance (even though it wasn't reported to the media at the time).  Players quit football all the time because they don't want to be permanently injured.

I have a feeling that there is something ominous about this.

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28 minutes ago, KL2 said:

"I’ve come around to the idea that it’s unlikely that the Tigers will sue,...."

And I'm pointing out that its not unlikely, its not gonna happen. There is no damage to sue over.

My bet is that they settle the contract for an undisclosed amount.

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58 minutes ago, KL2 said:

"I’ve come around to the idea that it’s unlikely that the Tigers will sue,...."

And I'm pointing out that its not unlikely, its not gonna happen. There is no damage to sue over.

Right. I mean theoretically I suppose the Tigers could sue him to demand he perform the contract - i.e. come back and play. But even though that might be legally supportable, the reality is that the law can't enforce that a player play a high skill game well so that kind of legal strategy is generally worthless. It's not quite like suing a contractor who is late to demand he finish building your house!

Edited by gehringer_2
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7 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

It's just so out of left field because the number of people with the drive and competitiveness who will work hard enough for years to become a professional athlete and then just walk away for any reason, is just about zero - in fact in my experience this is close to number one if that is what is happening. I guess Greinke came pretty close to walking away didn't he? But he was still quite young then when emotions run higher.....

Jim Eisenreich retired for a few years at the beginning of his MLB career due to Tourette’s.

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7 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

It's just so out of left field because the number of people with the drive and competitiveness who will work hard enough for years to become a professional athlete and then just walk away for any reason, is just about zero - in fact in my experience this is close to number one if that is what is happening. I guess Greinke came pretty close to walking away didn't he? But he was still quite young then when emotions run higher.....

There are several athletes that have walked away in their 20's.

I think that's mostly football. But hasn't there been a couple baseball instances too (outside of the almost-Greinke)? (Without actually looking it up...). Or maybe that's mostly in the minors when a guy realizes he isn't going to make MLB...

Maybe E-Rod decided he just doesn't love baseball any more? He was already doing this a bit in Boston, previously?

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He did opt out of the shortened covid season. 

I believe Greinke had social anxiety disorder?

Pure speculation because I don't know what the situation is with Erod but there is still stigma even today associated with mental health. For a macho professional athlete, that has to be amplified about 1000 more than someone who is not in the spotlight. Whatever the situation is, it seems easier to avoid at this point, even if it is costing a lot of money.

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I am just having a hard time even caring about this story.  He doesn't want to play?  Fine, I don't care, I was never emotionally invested in him.  So don't pay him.  Oh wait, maybe legally you have to pay him?  I don't care, it's not my money, and yes it is eating up some Chris I baseball budget but I don't care, at all, I mean less than zero.  He is like Johnny Depp to me, why do I have to keep hearing about this?  I don't care.  At all.

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5 hours ago, Jim Cowan said:

I am just having a hard time even caring about this story.  He doesn't want to play?  Fine, I don't care, I was never emotionally invested in him.  So don't pay him.  Oh wait, maybe legally you have to pay him?  I don't care, it's not my money, and yes it is eating up some Chris I baseball budget but I don't care, at all, I mean less than zero.  He is like Johnny Depp to me, why do I have to keep hearing about this?  I don't care.  At all.

I’d disagree with you on the opportunity cost involved with the salary if the Tigers are on the hook for it going forward.  And you could throw in the time wasted chasing him instead of another SP this past off-season (although to be honest, I forget who else was out there, and I liked the premise of going after Rodriguez).

This story is kind of on the back burner for me.  I don’t think anyone knows exactly what’s going on.  The lack of communication is frustrating to hear and it sounds like the Tigers are pretty exasperated by the deal.  Whatever the case, he’s not available.

This situation feeds into the revolving door of SPs, but that has kind of sustained some measure of competitiveness.  The offense has been abysmal.  So, it’s easy to focus frustration on the offense.  But as others have called out, what happens to the young arms that have been admirably filling in so far?  What will be left to pitch in the second half of the season?

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7 hours ago, Jim Cowan said:

I am just having a hard time even caring about this story.  He doesn't want to play?  Fine, I don't care, I was never emotionally invested in him.  So don't pay him.  Oh wait, maybe legally you have to pay him?  I don't care, it's not my money, and yes it is eating up some Chris I baseball budget but I don't care, at all, I mean less than zero.  He is like Johnny Depp to me, why do I have to keep hearing about this?  I don't care.  At all.

I find this story genuinely fascinating because I’ve never seen anything like this before with my team. I’ve been checking in with the news a few times a day seeing whether there are updates. I am really interested in learning what the deal is. Is it mental issues? Substance abuse issues? Did he just get sick of playing, whether overall or just for this team? Or was it a marital problem after all? How is this all going to resolve with the team and his contract? Is he (or his agent) even alive? Enquiring minds want to know.

I’m starting to feel similarly about Meadows. Every time he gets close there’s yet another setback seemingly unrelated to what went before it.. I am fascinated to know whether his issue is a string of unfortunately consecutive run-of-the-mill illnesses and injuries and he’s going to end up doing OK by the end of the year, or next year, or whenever? Or whether there’s something more chronic that can’t be overcome.

And it is fascinated I am, not angry or upset, because to your point, I didn’t have any time to form any attachment to either of them, so if both of them are gone for good, it’s kind of like 🤷‍♂️, oh well, hardly knew ye.

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8 hours ago, Jim Cowan said:

I am just having a hard time even caring about this story.  He doesn't want to play?  Fine, I don't care, I was never emotionally invested in him.  So don't pay him.  Oh wait, maybe legally you have to pay him?  I don't care, it's not my money, and yes it is eating up some Chris I baseball budget but I don't care, at all, I mean less than zero.  He is like Johnny Depp to me, why do I have to keep hearing about this?  I don't care.  At all.

I wish he were playing, but I don't really care about the story.  Maybe, if I knew what the story was, I'd be more interested.  I still don't know who Johnny Depp is. I googled him once, but the story was so uninteresting that I forgot.   

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I just find it weird that he decides he doesnt want to play anymore right after signing a long term contract. I mean why not just retire during the offseason?

I guess the only thing I can think of is that perhaps he thought switching organizations may light a fire in him or bring back his love for the game and when that didn't happen he knew that it was time to step away. 

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17 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

Where is everyone getting that he doesn't want to play anymore?  Did I miss that story?  

I don’t understand this angle either.  Outside of the principle parties, it’s an unknown issue at this time.  But people like to make assumptions, so here we are.

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