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I watch a lot of court on You Tube.   Michigan seems to be the most available state for court cases on video.    I've become a fan of a Western Michigan judge named Jeffrey Middleton.............he quotes rock lyrics and has a pony tail.........LOL.   He seems like such a decent guy and he tries to make it easier on defendants.   He knows everyone too.     

But what grabs me in this court videos is how stupid some people are, especially when they are attending court by Zoom.    Some people run their mouths at judges and get in more trouble.    

One thing that really annoys me is how many people get busted for not having a valid driver's license or having any insurance.  Some get busted several times for this.     They always have a list of excuses why and they are all b.s.    Pay your registration like the rest of us have to do, idiots.   What do you think pays for the roads?   

Anyone else watch court on You Tube - or highlights (lowlights) of court?   

It's fascinating.  

The most interesting are sovereign citizens and people that want to defend themselves and have no idea what they are doing, but think they do because they read shit online.     A person who represents themselves in court has a fool for a client.  


Sure.............go ahead


He has someone on Zoom and asked her where she worked.    She's a house painter and he said  "Hey, last week you were up on a ladder on a house on Whatever Rd, weren't you?"   Yes she was


Dude knows EVERYONE !       

24 minutes ago, pfife said:

I've never even thought to check out court on YouTube but it seems like something I'd be into for sure.

Law Talk with Mike and Old Squishy Gardner are two people that will show highlights of court cases or court meltdown.  


Just watching Middleton live today, just going over arraignments and he's cracking me up man.  Leaves a phone message  "Miss Carlson, you failed to show up for court today, this is the fourth time and I've issued a Bench Warrant for your arrest.  You need to turn yourself in to the court or report to jail..............Have a nice day" 


People watch reality TV without knowing that actual reality is so much better. I love watching hearings to pass the time, especially a good jury trial, start to finish.

Regarding suspended licenses, I'm not going to make excuses for those people (mine is valid and has been my entire adult life), but I will say that the system doesn't always make it easy for them to climb that hurdle once they're suspended. It's usually getting suspended when they're young and dumb (19-22) for unpaid tickets and fines, and a lot of courts (especially in Wayne County) are really bad about even notifying them that their license is suspended.

Then they get pulled over a year or two later for something minor and stupid, and - surprise! - your license is suspended. Now we are going to fine you another $450+ on top of the fees you haven't paid, and depending on your jurisdiction, maybe even throw you in jail for a few days.

When they get out, now they have a truckload of fines, a truckload of late fees, an attorney's fee, and more, and are in no greater a position to pay than when they got in. If they're smarter and wiser than they were at 19-22, they'll enter into a payment plan and stick to it... But even then they have to work their low-paying job.... they have to make sure that job keeps a roof over their head and food on the table... they have to get to work... A year or two passes, they're hopefully chipping away, and... tail light is out!

Most often, the cyclical nature of suspended license violations is more associated with poverty than their driving ability or lack thereof.

5 minutes ago, MichiganCardinal said:

People watch reality TV without knowing that actual reality is so much better. I love watching hearings to pass the time, especially a good jury trial, start to finish.

Regarding suspended licenses, I'm not going to make excuses for those people (mine is valid and has been my entire adult life), but I will say that the system doesn't always make it easy for them to climb that hurdle once they're suspended. It's usually getting suspended when they're young and dumb (19-22) for unpaid tickets and fines, and a lot of courts (especially in Wayne County) are really bad about even notifying them that their license is suspended.

Then they get pulled over a year or two later for something minor and stupid, and - surprise! - your license is suspended. Now we are going to fine you another $450+ on top of the fees you haven't paid, and depending on your jurisdiction, maybe even throw you in jail for a few days.

When they get out, now they have a truckload of fines, a truckload of late fees, an attorney's fee, and more, and are in no greater a position to pay than when they got in. If they're smarter and wiser than they were at 19-22, they'll enter into a payment plan and stick to it... But even then they have to work their low-paying job.... they have to make sure that job keeps a roof over their head and food on the table... they have to get to work... A year or two passes, they're hopefully chipping away, and... tail light is out!

Most often, the cyclical nature of suspended license violations is more associated with poverty than their driving ability or lack thereof.

Not trying to be argumentative, but that is life.  Maybe it should be easier, but I am not sure about that.  Why make life easier for those who did something wrong?  I mean they did something wrong to get the suspended license right?  Make life easier for the person working 3 jobs, with no record.

Your story is almost exactly my story, so I have lived through that and do not have a ton of sympathy for those who are not trying to better themselves because I know how hard it is.  I try to think back on those times and see what "advantages" I may have had over people facing similar circumstances today...I mean I had family, but they did not really help me with anything.  I had issues when I was living at home, so there is that....,but also a few years later on my own, paying my own rent, bills, food, gas etc...other than my dad buying me a couple house warming gifts (Tube TV, VCR) I was pretty much on my own and learned from those harsh experiences.

As far as real life court TV I have only seen clips of the really weird ones on FB or something...the one with the girl who was acting like it was all a joke and the judge came down hard with a huge fine or something.

5 minutes ago, John_Brian_K said:

Not trying to be argumentative, but that is life.  Maybe it should be easier, but I am not sure about that.  Why make life easier for those who did something wrong?  I mean they did something wrong to get the suspended license right?  Make life easier for the person working 3 jobs, with no record.

Your story is almost exactly my story, so I have lived through that and do not have a ton of sympathy for those who are not trying to better themselves because I know how hard it is.  I try to think back on those times and see what "advantages" I may have had over people facing similar circumstances today...I mean I had family, but they did not really help me with anything.  I had issues when I was living at home, so there is that....,but also a few years later on my own, paying my own rent, bills, food, gas etc...other than my dad buying me a couple house warming gifts (Tube TV, VCR) I was pretty much on my own and learned from those harsh experiences.

As far as real life court TV I have only seen clips of the really weird ones on FB or something...the one with the girl who was acting like it was all a joke and the judge came down hard with a huge fine or something.

I think there should be consequences for people who did something wrong, I just think those consequences should be commensurate with the deed they did wrong. Some of these people end up spending $10,000 or more in fines and penalties over the course of more than a decade, and still don't have a valid license, with their only misdeed being unpaid traffic tickets. That if they could have paid from the onset, they would have.

I don't think it's unfair to rule-followers such as us for a Judge to ask an indigent defendant what they can afford to pay before imposing sentence, for instance. Set them on a track for possible future success instead of on a road to be back in front of you in two years.

8 minutes ago, MichiganCardinal said:

I think there should be consequences for people who did something wrong, I just think those consequences should be commensurate with the deed they did wrong. Some of these people end up spending $10,000 or more in fines and penalties over the course of more than a decade, and still don't have a valid license, with their only misdeed being unpaid traffic tickets. That if they could have paid from the onset, they would have.

I don't think it's unfair to rule-followers such as us for a Judge to ask an indigent defendant what they can afford to pay before imposing sentence, for instance. Set them on a track for possible future success instead of on a road to be back in front of you in two years.

10k or more is excessive, but that is not a one time thing, that is a repeat offender.  People ignore problems until they hit them in the face.  That is a recipe for disaster in all of life, not just traffic tickets.  You can set up a plan, if you adult up and face the issue.  Again I have been on the flip side of that and can see where I was dumb tryin to ignore something because I could not deal with it only to regret it later.  I did not expect leniency, I realized how life works early on and dealt with it.


I pay for my registration and license, I am guessing almost everyone here does.   I don't like it, but roads and improvements to those roads aren't free.   I think people who refuse to pay it (and the vast majority of them just refuse, since they always seem to have enough money for other things), should lose the privilege to drive on the roads that we pay for.     The sovereign citizens and moors are a whole other level of stupid as they try to quote same legal dictionary that was written before cars existed to proclaim they are travelers and not drivers.   the same legal dictionary that updated that definition in the 1920s, but FreedomBob on  You Tube says.............

Posted (edited)

I watched (mostly listened while working) to this today while it was happening.   Very interesting.    

Couple gets free rent to manage 12 apartments but then stop managing and insurance dumps the apartments.  So then they are told they have to start paying rent ($550 a month) or leave.    So they absolutely destroy the apartment and are being sued for $19 K.   They guy tries to get out of court by saying he doesn't have an attorney, but the court date was set back in May and the judge is telling him the trial is scheduled, he's had time to mount a defense and if he never consulted with a lawyer, that's on him and the trial is on.   He tries to defend himself.   It goes about as well as you think it does......for the plantiff.   


Seen this a few times,  Defendants claim they can't go to court because they don't have an attorney or they keep firing attorneys as a stall tactic.   Judge Middleton raises his voice a couple times and believe me, that is VERY rare.  

Edited by Motor City Sonics

Gotta do a zoom court hearing in small claims in a few weeks.  Not looking forward to the experience, especially since I will be camping, so we gotta find a good spot somewhere up there to go for the meeting.

3 hours ago, John_Brian_K said:

Gotta do a zoom court hearing in small claims in a few weeks.  Not looking forward to the experience, especially since I will be camping, so we gotta find a good spot somewhere up there to go for the meeting.

As a non-attorney I would highly recommend just ignoring it.  That always works well. 

  • Haha 2

Another thing I have come to realize is that some people are just trouble magnets.   They just can't live a normal life.  Always in trouble for something and it's like they have a neon sign over them pointing them out.   I have a cousin like that.  For 30 years, always something.   He's been given so many chances to get right and he just won't.  It's like his profession.   My Uncle will no longer help him in any way.  I don't want to know the amount of money he has spent when he was willing to help him, it would probably make me faint. 

On 8/3/2022 at 12:20 PM, pfife said:

Alex Jones's trial is on Youtube, he's getting obliterated on the stand right now.

Even if he's getting dotted up there, I can't stand listening to him for a second    If he was in front of me I'd probably get arrested for at least attempting to punch him in the face. 


Its amazing the damage that Meth and Sovereign Citizens are doing to people. 


1/3rd of the people are on Meth and 1/3rd are people that just refuse to get a license or pay for insurance.  


There is the 'new' meth that is causing widespread schizophrenia and serious and permanent brain damage.   


Fuck Walter White. 

  • 1 year later...
24 minutes ago, MichiganCardinal said:

I thought I remembered this being a thread. Anyone following the Crumbley parent trial in Oakland County? It’s been a drama filled case so far against the mom and they’re just getting started.

Can't watch it.  I don't want to get angry and worked up.   I think they'll get away with it and they'll get a rousing standing ovation when they make a speech at the Republican convention this Summer. 

2 minutes ago, Motor City Sonics said:

Can't watch it.  I don't want to get angry and worked up.   I think they'll get away with it and they'll get a rousing standing ovation when they make a speech at the Republican convention this Summer. 

I don't see it as a real 2A thing. They were Trumpies, but a lot of people in Oxford are, and a lot of them would prefer a public hanging of these parents as opposed to this trial. On the FOX News angle, her kid murdered white school children in Oxford, not BLMers like Rittenhouse. She's no hero to anybody.

[side bar, maybe this is why I stay out of the politics section......]

I'm just not sure this is the way to go about it all. I feel like the problem is legislative and systemic. The fact they didn't break a single gun law is baffling to me, and it's not even fixable with a blue House, Senate, and Governor, because of federal blockades the second you breath the words "gun reform" near the Capitol.

This case though.... I've worked in child welfare, I've been a foster parent, and I've worked with severely mentally ill kids before. I've seen first-hand how some of these kids can be sweet, seemingly "normal" teens in one minute, to terrors in the next. She wasn't perfect, she probably could have done more.... but involuntary manslaughter? That precedent scares me. She didn't pull the trigger. He was a fully functional - though mentally ill - 15-year-old who absolutely knew what he was doing that day.

I will say though too that I really don't like the prosecutor in this case. Karen McDonald is slimy, and is gunning for political gain (no pun intended). I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. When she runs for whatever office she's going to run for, she may be the only candidate who could ever get me to vote for a Republican.

1 minute ago, MichiganCardinal said:

I don't see it as a real 2A thing. They were Trumpies, but a lot of people in Oxford are, and a lot of them would prefer a public hanging of these parents as opposed to this trial. On the FOX News angle, her kid murdered white school children in Oxford, not BLMers like Rittenhouse. She's no hero to anybody.

[side bar, maybe this is why I stay out of the politics section......]

I'm just not sure this is the way to go about it all. I feel like the problem is legislative and systemic. The fact they didn't break a single gun law is baffling to me, and it's not even fixable with a blue House, Senate, and Governor, because of federal blockades the second you breath the words "gun reform" near the Capitol.

This case though.... I've worked in child welfare, I've been a foster parent, and I've worked with severely mentally ill kids before. I've seen first-hand how some of these kids can be sweet, seemingly "normal" teens in one minute, to terrors in the next. She wasn't perfect, she probably could have done more.... but involuntary manslaughter? That precedent scares me. She didn't pull the trigger. He was a fully functional - though mentally ill - 15-year-old who absolutely knew what he was doing that day.

I will say though too that I really don't like the prosecutor in this case. Karen McDonald is slimy, and is gunning for political gain (no pun intended). I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. When she runs for whatever office she's going to run for, she may be the only candidate who could ever get me to vote for a Republican.

From what I understand, they left that kid alone for days.  They'd leave him money and he would be on his own at 12/13/14 years old.   He'd ask neighbors to drive him to the store.    I am not sure if they even checked in on him. 

But the one thing out of all of this, already knowing these people are just absolutely horrible parents was that when their son got arrested, they chose to flee the country instead of being there to help him.     These people make me sick, but I think they'll get away with it.    If Casey Anthony can get away with what she did, then these disgusting pieces of filth can too - and they'd be lauded as 2nd Amendment heroes.   No, not in Oxford, but in much of this country.  They'll just blame Gretchen.  

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