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Even IF Trump criminally convicted…. What then?


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So, here is my question(s), and my thoughts.  If at some point, either at a state level or federal level, Trump is convicted of crimes (not talking civil convictions), what can actually be done to him to have him pay the price?

Of this much, I am fairly certain. -  As a former president, Trump has Secret Service protection for life. He’d never be able to serve time in a federal penitentiary, because you certainly can’t have Secret Service members now also have to serve the time with him.  

House arrest? Where,…..  and again, how? At Mar-a-lago? Would he be allowed to golf? Have visits?  As taxpayers, are we expected to foot that bill, too?

What are your opinions as to what’s possible, & what isn’t, what is fair (and we all know what’s fair is never going to be what will happen), and what is likely.

 I’m interested to hear what thoughts on the eventuality of cases, convictions, and consequences/ punishments & penalties.

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I wondered about the SS thing before. I wonder if they’d just get a special wing together at one of those country club prisons and he would be in isolation.  Secret service would be around and he might have limited time around others.   They would never go into a hardcore prison.  Interesting thought exercise though.  A combo of federal marshals to enforce to enforce punishment and SS to protect.  Think of Johnny Sack when he went to his daughters wedding.  Of course he would pull an uncle Junior and “fall”. 

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4 minutes ago, oblong said:

I wondered about the SS thing before. I wonder if they’d just get a special wing together at one of those country club prisons and he would be in isolation.  Secret service would be around and he might have limited time around others.   They would never go into a hardcore prison.  Interesting thought exercise though.  A combo of federal marshals to enforce to enforce punishment and SS to protect.  Think of Johnny Sack when he went to his daughters wedding.  Of course he would pull an uncle Junior and “fall”. 

This seems like a reasonable compromise. 
Can we also please stipulate that it not be in the same facility as Bannon, Stone, Manafort? 

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I was kind of hoping to have some real thoughts for answers in this thread. I’ll keep hoping that maybe there will be a few more.

I thought they were interesting questions to be pondered in the real world.*shrug*

Hope springs eternal. 

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1 hour ago, smr-nj said:

This seems like a reasonable compromise. 
Can we also please stipulate that it not be in the same facility as Bannon, Stone, Manafort? 

Ha ha that would be like Henry Hill being inside with Paulie and a few of the other guys, cooking the veal and slicing the garlic.  When Henry brought in some fresh bread, Paulie said "tomorrow we can have sangwiches".

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9 hours ago, Jim Cowan said:

Ha ha that would be like Henry Hill being inside with Paulie and a few of the other guys, cooking the veal and slicing the garlic.  When Henry brought in some fresh bread, Paulie said "tomorrow we can have sangwiches".

As we all know, he used a razor and he used to slice the garlic so thin that it would liquefy in the pan with just a little oil.

It was a very good system

Edited by mtutiger
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I'm not totally convinced the Secret Service couldn't "protect" him in a federal penitentiary (that is if they're not convicted as well).     Wouldn't they be like a glorified prison guard then?  I don't think it would/should be considered that they're serving the time as well - any moreso than regular prison guards being considered as serving time.  

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Protect him from the prison guards?  one of the reasons they protect isn't to just save his life but for torture situations where he could give up national security knowledge (I'm sure he's already done this for cash but that's the theory).

Does the SS today monitor who cooks the food a POTUS and former POTUS eat?

It'd probably be determined that the hassle wouldn't be worth it and he'd just be in some kind of federally mandated exile.

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There is a minimum/medium security prison in Miami that hosted Manuel Noriega for a while. 

In reality he's never going to go and the best we might hope for is something similar to house arrest. Even if he is tried and convicted the appeals process would take years. 

Is there a secluded place on Mar-A-Lago where then can convert a storage shed or something. And ban him from the main building and golf course?

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I agree that Agent Orange never does hard time, and he almost certainly doesn’t do country club time, either. On the other extreme, I don’t think they can deport him either because (1) he’s a US citizen so where does he go? And (2) he can be at least as dangerous as a political leader in exile, where he is outside of US control, as he has been here (outside of actually being president).

Seems to me house arrest someplace would be the best option. I don’t know whether it’s Mar-a-Lago, especially once they reveal all the laundered money that’s gone into that place. But it’ll be someplace where they can force him to live out his days living the upper middle class lifestyle of a schnook, surrounded by Secret Service loyal to the US and not him, and cut off from the ability to conspire with his former top lieutenants, many of whom will also be detained for the long haul.

Melania will leave him and wait out Jerry Hall for her shot at Rupert Murdoch.

The wild card will be the red hats. They will always be told by their media that Trump was the victim of a political hit job by the fascist Marxist BLM Antifa-addled Demonrats. How problematic that will be I think depends on how effectively the cult of Trump can be broken down, and the steady drumbeat of revelations from the hearings are effectively beginning to do just that. Those cosplaying red hats who existed on the MAGA margins are already starting to peel off from him, and if the job is completed over the next few months and he is left only with the true-believing wackjobs, their numbers will be so small that it won’t result in any sort of popular reactionary uprising. I think that’s the hope, anyway.

Actually, at the end of the day, I think the real hope might be that he dies before anyone has to make the decision of what to finally do with him.

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that doesn't work by the way....

I saw a thing on it

"don't put too man onions"

"I didn't put too many onions Paul... just 3 small onions"

"Aw you gotta have the pork... that's the flavor"

Part of me thinks Scorsese just put a bunch of old Italians in the room and told them to cook and set up his cameras and filmed.



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59 minutes ago, oblong said:

that doesn't work by the way...

I take a very sharp chef's knife and shave it as thin as I can (which is pretty much the same start),  but then I dice up the slices as fine as possible. I have no idea if it actually makes any difference in the final dish or not, but my idea is to try to keep the oil in the pieces and get the pieces small instead of busting up the cell structure and having the liquid expressed out like a press does. It's just the way I like to do it. The SO does the lion's share of the actual cooking, but I get drafted for most of the prep!

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10 minutes ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

Maybe Don Jr. will do to his dad what Michael did to Fredo.

Actually, I think what we really need to be concerned about is that Donald senior will Promote Donald Junior for election as president. Knowing full well, and his supporters knowing full well, that he will actually be the one at the helm.

And Donald Junior is not going to kill the golden goose.

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6 hours ago, Motor City Sonics said:

Nothing will happen to Trump.  Ever.   He'll never be charged.  He'll never be arrested.  He'll never be convicted.  

Correct.  We do not have a justice system.  The wealthy and powerful have their own set of rules.  

Edited by Tiger337
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Well, I think we actually do have a Justice system, for now, and many are working very hard to investigate what’s transpired and who are responsible.  I’m hopeful that though it may take some time, there will be some at the higher levels who are charged- and may have to answer to the law.

If you all think that there’s never going to be any Justice served, I’d hope you’d be angry about that, and might voice that anger in a way that can change the status quo. It’ll mean perhaps getting more involved at a very basic level than you currently are.

It kind of matters, don’t you think?

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