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Where Do Things End With Vlad? (h/t romad1)


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Vladimir Putin took upon himself, without a drop of exaggeration, a historical responsibility by deciding not to leave the SOLUTION OF THE UKRAINIAN ISSUE to future generations. After all, the need to solve it would always remain the main problem for Russia.

 state agency RIA Novosti

Good God, that's dark

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each night that comes with Kyiv still standing is another day for the Ukrainians to build out and organize resistance from exile, and another hammer blow in the forging of a national identity that will feed it. Putin may win on the battle field for a time, but the blood he sheds does nothing but fertilize the growth of Ukrainian nationalism. Interesting parallels here to the American revolution. The colonies were full of Englishmen, with history and ties to England not unlike those between Ukraine and Russia, but the actions of a wayward King forged an enduring new national identity despite that.

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12 hours ago, chasfh said:

I wonder how easy or difficult is it for a Russian to mimic a Ukrainian accent? Russia is a big country and I would guess there’s a wide variation of accents, particularly influenced by decades of influx of comrades from nearby client Soviet states which have their own languages. That would surely influence the way they speak Russian.

Assuming Russian soldiers come from all over Russia, how likely is it that an undercover Russian soldier can consistently fool all the Ukrainians around him with his attempt at a local accent? I myself can tell someone is Canadian by the way they speak, pretty much thanks to growing up with channel 9, but even so, I probably couldn’t effectively fake a Canadian accent to literally save my life.

And this doesn’t even contemplate local accent variations within Ukraine itself. If a young male somebody I’ve never seen before shows up in my neighborhood speaking Ukrainian with a weird accent that kind of sounds like it comes from another part of the country, wouldn’t that be suspicious?

In case you didn't know:

Half of the country speaks Russian as their first/ native language, not Ukrainian. That would be mostly East of the River Dnieper.

And the other half speaks Ukrainian as their native language.

Most Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians can also speak Russian. A much lower percent who speak Russian as a first language can speak Ukrainian. 

That would certainly complicate things... But if someone doesn't speak Ukrainian, you immediately interrogate in order to establish a Ukrainian versus a Russian infiltrate soldier. I'm sure they can ask a few questions that could establish someone's knowledge and, as you said accent.. that could determine the difference...

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7 hours ago, oblong said:

Is all of the denouncing matter without arms and troops? I mean I can denounce it standing here in my kitchen. What makes theirs more meaningful unless they offer something I can’t. 

Germany has decided to send 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 anti-plane weapons to Ukraine, and is allowing German derived technology to be sent to Ukraine. The Netherlands promptly decided to send 400 German-made RPG's to Ukraine.

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5 minutes ago, 1984Echoes said:

This is an EXCEPTIONAL move!!!

This, combined with the actions taken to kick them out of the SWIFT banking system could do some real damage. Unlike other sanctions presently being inflicted, these seem like tangible actions that might inflict real pain to Putin and the overall Russian economy.

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6 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

At some point you have to wonder if the Russian General staff is going to hold all in with Putin. It's one thing to roll into to town and take over the government with almost no shooting as in Checko '68, or even to shoot at Arabs or Chechens, this is asking guys from Ohio to go to war with Missouri when the guys in MO are shooting back.

I'm dreaming when I say this, but imagine if they got so fed up they did a coup and removed him from power. Having a military dictatorship or one of Putin's underlings take over isn't perfect, but if it ended the war, that's a plus.

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39 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

each night that comes with Kyiv still standing is another day for the Ukrainians to build out and organize resistance from exile, and another hammer blow in the forging of a national identity that will feed it. Putin may win on the battle field for a time, but the blood he sheds does nothing but fertilize the growth of Ukrainian nationalism. Interesting parallels here to the American revolution. The colonies were full of Englishmen, with history and ties to England not unlike those between Ukraine and Russia, but the actions of a wayward King forged an enduring new national identity despite that.


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3 minutes ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

I'm dreaming when I say this, but imagine if they got so fed up they did a coup and removed him from power. Having a military dictatorship or one of Putin's underlings take over isn't perfect, but if it ended the war, that's a plus.

I'm not going to think about this...

But if it happens, I will applaud.

I don't want to get my hopes up.

But also because it won't tell us what is the future direction of a New Russia?

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30 minutes ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

I'm dreaming when I say this, but imagine if they got so fed up they did a coup and removed him from power. Having a military dictatorship or one of Putin's underlings take over isn't perfect, but if it ended the war, that's a plus.

Gotta watch the Oligarchs... there's power in numbers if they say enough.

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Another observation about what appears to be the case from the available information:

Russia has a lot of low-flying aircraft getting hit by shoulder fired weapons.   Conclusion:  They lack the ability to engage from atmosphere like 1st World forces can.   The US would have been able to use PGMs guided by GPS (generic term...Russia uses something slightly less good called GNSS).  I recall a discussion that Russia's GNSS would not be used in Ukraine.


As it turns out this isn't great because it will teach China to improve their PGM use when they go up against the US and Japanese navies when they try to take Taiwan.

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A real military -- particularly one from a country that produces fuel -- would have figured out how to supply their vehicles with fuel.  Its not hard.  You know how much fuel a vehicle burns in a day.  You know that the fuel needs to get to a certain point where the armor and trucks can get to it before it can fight.  If you can't master this stuff you won't win a war on a modern battlefield. 

Clearly the mypillow guy that Putin had telling him that this would be easy was not a master logistician

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1 hour ago, mtutiger said:

Gotta watch the Oligarchs... there's power in numbers if they say enough.

It would be nice to think if they really get squeezed that financially that they say fuck it and attempt to make a move after Putin. Again a military dictatorship or an oligarchic/military hybrid dictatorship would be little better, but at least it would presumably end the war and hopefully any following occupation.

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