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Where Do Things End With Vlad? (h/t romad1)


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12 hours ago, mtutiger said:

This write up is really fascinating. The sanctions almost seem like the foreign policy equivalent to the SMU Football Death Penalty.

In all the glee to complete destroy the Russian economy, I worry that it will feed right into Putin's long-time declarations that the West is out to destroy Russia, and that mass privation forced on them from outside will radicalize the next several generations of Russians against the West in ways we have not seen in a century, with dire consequences. If we succeed in doing this, I don't see how the Russian people blame Putin for it, because when it comes to that Putin has the people's ear, and we don't.

As good as his SOTU was, one thing I wish Biden had done was a better job at reaching out directly to the Russian people. He mentioned them kind of in passing, but did not address directly that I remember. It could have been something like, "To the Russian people: we are not your enemy. We want peace with you, but your leaders do not want peace. We know sanctions against your leaders will hurt you too, and we grieve for that, but it must be done to send the message that countries cannot invade their free, sovereign, democratic neighbors whenever they choose. We look forward to the day when Russia has new leaders, and your Motherland can be welcomed back into the community of peaceful nations." Something along those lines.  I think not leaning into that was a missed timely opportunity.

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20 hours ago, mtutiger said:

Again, Mearsheimer spends a great deal of time drawing comparisons to Iraq, a country we invaded and attempted to install a democracy despite no real evidence it was seeking one, and Ukraine, a country that, upon independence in 1991, that has attempted on it's own volition to build democratic institutions. And however flawed the process has been, they have continued working at it and clearly see that as their way forward.

And the reality, as we are now seeing in this current conflict, is that the Ukrainians were never going to see themselves as potted plants who don't have agency. After watching Mearsheimer's comments and reading this interview, I am no clearer as to why that is the fault of the United States or why Ukrainians shouldn't have a say in their own self-determination.


a good counterargument to the realists.

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3 minutes ago, Tigeraholic1 said:

Remember Vietnam? The Draft?

Yep, that's what they did to poor people like my dad and his brothers. A poor white kid from Ecorse like my dad who was never going to college at the time got put in the draft and forced enlistment. That's exactly what will happen to these Russian protestors, only they'll skip over the draft part and go right to the enlistment step.

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Just now, Mr.TaterSalad said:

Yep, that's what they did to poor people like my dad and his brothers. A poor white kid from Ecorse like my dad who was never going to college at the time got put in the draft and forced enlistment. That's exactly what will happen to these Russian protestors, only they'll skip over the draft part and go right to the enlistment step.

Too bad he didn't have bone spurs.

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