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10/05/2022 4:10 EDT Detroit Tigers at Seattle Mariners


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1 hour ago, chasfh said:

Am I making sense?

Sure, although the counter to the 'you'll have clubhouse strife if a guy is demoted' arg is that these guys also all want to win, and most of them are not really going to cry too much when someone who may be standing in the way of them winning more gets moved. Plus I suppose I'd argue that you are paying a manager 7 plus figures to make sure you manage the clubhouse so that winning stays everyone's #1 priority. 

And of course Soto hadn't blown that many opportunities. It's been pretty clear the ice under his cleats kept getting thinner, but he he hadn't crashed through completely either.

The stronger part of the arg for me is about it not mattering because they weren't going anywhere and maybe you straighten Soto out and then his value goes up so you are willing to ride it out. That's fair. Then it comes down to more nebulous questions about when and what kind of culture and how much 'edge' you need to encourage......

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19 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

Sure, although the counter to the 'you'll have clubhouse strife if a guy is demoted' arg is that these guys also all want to win, and most of them are not really going to cry too much when someone who may be standing in the way of them winning more gets moved. Plus I suppose I'd argue that you are paying a manager 7 plus figures to make sure you manage the clubhouse so that winning stays everyone's #1 priority.

Makes sense on paper, although I wonder how that relates to a team that knows it's circling the drain pretty early? Practically no one on the team could have reasonably expected at any point past early May that this team was ever going to win enough to contend. I'm sure a lot of those guys are hard-wired to be super-competitive at all times, and I'm just as sure that many of them were simply marking time waiting out the inevitable disastrous final result. How does any leader inculcate a unified pennant-winning mindset within a clubhouse so divided in its outlook in such a circumstance?

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49 minutes ago, SoCalTiger said:

Among other things he disagreed with Petry's call for patience and pointed out how so many teams, citing Dodgers, Braves, and others, have won many times since the last Tigers championship in 1984 and that anything but the playoffs  and titles should be our goal. Raise the bar for both team and player performance. And he spoke with a strong tone and lots of passion as if on a Red Bull binge. Gotta say he elevated my impression of him..

There is nothing short of a miraculous transformation in style and approach that would make me want to listen to Shep call a game. But at least he showed me that he's not always a complete stiff.

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1 hour ago, chasfh said:

Man, Shep getting hot on the postgame! Where has that guy been for the past three years?

The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking that the reason Shep popped off on the post-game was because he was given permission to by Jack Morris's comments the other night when he criticized the organization for overvaluing their players, which is a fatal developmental flaw.

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19 minutes ago, chasfh said:

There is nothing short of a miraculous transformation in style and approach that would make me want to listen to Shep call a game. But at least he showed me that he's not always a complete stiff.

Attitude and perspective aside, I just don't think Shep is that good from a technical standpoint. Collisions of parts of speech, tenses, mangled words, sentences that just get lost in verbal bogs. I thought after all the years on the radio he'd be better at the nuts and bolts of speaking on air.

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1 hour ago, gehringer_2 said:

Shep's the only one who ever worked in sports talk radio - he knows where the audience is by now.

I'm sure he's paid well for the job, and really it's one of the better jobs in town for a guy in his profession, but no matter how he massaged the reality from time to time during the season (particularly before Avila was fired, I imagine having to follow a team like this grates on him. Probably all of them, as much as we complain about them lol

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I didn’t watch the game so I don’t know about Shep’s comments, but since I live in the northwest and all sorts of people from Seattle live in Idaho - which makes me scratch my head - some of them were heartbroken and wringing their hands that the Tigers won the first game of the series on Monday because that nixed the M’s home-field advantage for the playoffs and since they all have connections they were going to get tickets. HA! At least something positive came out of this. 

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40 minutes ago, IdahoBert said:

I didn’t watch the game so I don’t know about Shep’s comments, but since I live in the northwest and all sorts of people from Seattle live in Idaho - which makes me scratch my head - some of them were heartbroken and wringing their hands that the Tigers won the first game of the series on Monday because that nixed the M’s home-field advantage for the playoffs and since they all have connections they were going to get tickets. HA! At least something positive came out of this. 

Typically when I have no dog in the fight I root for visiting teams b/c I like to see the sad fan shots.  Hey, if I can't party you can't party.


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19 hours ago, chasfh said:

Man, Shep getting hot on the postgame! Where has that guy been for the past three years?

Where has anyone like this ever been on FSD or Bally? 

I can't ever remember any criticism like this, at least not since pre 2006 times. Don't really care about Shep, but having a local media that doesn't just love everything the org does would be nice. 

I doubt Avila would have lasted as long in most major markets. Imagine this organization in New York. They'd probably have strung up Chris I by now 

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