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20 hours ago, pfife said:

saying they're butthurt and blaming them for fascism instead of the fascists doesn't strike me as a way to get them to vote how you want them to vote.

I agree that fascists are to blame for fascism...

I'm not blaming Dem voters for that.

What I am blaming them for, if they let fascism just take over by not voting...

Is rolling over and playing dead while fascism rolls over the country due to lack of Dem voter "enthusiasm". 

I AM, and WILL, blame them for that. Whether you like that or not, I don't care. Tell the progressives to GET OFF THEIR ASS and VOTE to save this country. I don't care whether they like that message or not.

10 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

I agree with you, but the progressives are so concerned about climate change, in particular, that they feel as is we are doomed either way if we don't address it in a revolutionary way.  They don't necessarily see the moderates as a significantly better option than the Republuicans.  

So vote in more Dems, moderate or otherwise. The sheer higher number of Dems reduces the moderates impact.

This isn't hard.

And a 2-year plan with zero perseverance is not as good a 30-year plan with absolute perseverance.

I'm just saying...

9 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

Yes - disregard of American wage earners is a sin the Dems are going to have a hard time...

That was a sin as much on the Republican side as the Dem side.

Trump's populism spoke directly to that.

So does Bernie's. It would have been the Dem version of atonement for that. But the Infrastructure Bill goes DIRECTLY to Blue Collar America... give it a chance to blossom and I don't really think it'll be such a hard time for the Dems to address.

But then we have Trump winning in 2016, not Bernie.

Now we are where we are... Hoping the economy/ Infrastructure blossoms to avoid falling into fascism.

9 hours ago, pfife said:

they don't.   They think progs owe them their votes b/c they're "not as bad as the fascist Republicans".  It will only get worse if the GOP keeps going to the left of them on some of these key economic issues (at least rhetorically).   

I think this board is full of people that have socioeconomic status that enables us to vote based on things like "stopping fascism".   And that's totally fine.   But I also think there are a lot of ppl out there that are voting based on things like "my job" and, right or wrong it doesn't matter, "stopping fascism" isn't on their radar.    The Democrats need to either get "stopping fascism" on people's radar (and do so in a way that isn't terrible and "you don't know what's best for you-ish"), or adapt in some other way to get the "my job" votes.

"My job" is just one example.  


Just in case you were wondering... 

I am in NO WAY stating that "stopping fascism" is a one and only issue.

I am a ferocious supporter of taking measures to stop climate change. I am a ferocious supporter of supporting the middle class. That means a focus on Infrastructure, future high paying blue collar industries (EV Car manufacturing, EV battery manufacture, solar and wind industries, both utility and residential, etc.). If any tax breaks are given, I believe in giving them to the middle class because (a) 70% of our economy is consumerism and (b) give a $1 to a middle class or lower-class person or family and they spend it (consumerism).

Trickle down doesn't work so giving the top 1% a tax break means most of them just sit on it (savings/ investments/ stock market) which does NOT spur the economy.

Wait!!! Those are all DEMOCRATIC positions!

Oh, and we can also stop fascism by voting for more Dems.

My exclaiming that we need to vote Dems to stop fascism does not PRECLUDE the issue that Dems are ALSO in favor of all of the progressive issues that are floating out there. Not every Democrat. But that just means, JUST LIKE I'VE SAID MULTIPLE TIMES... Vote in more Democrats and make Manchin-moderates MOOT POINT.

This isn't difficult.

9 hours ago, pfife said:

but isn't it the Democrats trying to get the progressives to vote for them, not vice versa?

Why wouldn't progressives vote for Democrats? 

Which issues do Republicans hold that speak to progressives? (A) Hampering or outright eliminating the right of POC to vote? (B) Calling Climate Change a Hoax, or a Lie, or Overblown? (C) Support of the Coal Industry above all others? (D) Overturning Roe v Wade? (E) Giving more tax breaks to the top 1% earners in this country? I mean, they certainly do not have enough tax breaks... (F) Supporting the rights of Employers over Employees, in all cases? (G) Preventing the passage of an Infrastructure Bill? (H) Eliminating health care coverage for at least 25 million Americans?

Which issue is it exactly, that progressives should then WANT to vote for a Republican?

9 hours ago, pfife said:

no, the discussion since yesterday morning has been critical of progressives not voting for democrats - there hasn't been any discussion of Democrats voting for progressives.    

So how did AOC and Tlaib and others get voted into office...?

6 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

Now this is the kinda pressure you put on Manchin...


Except isn't he an owner and therefore could care less what the workers are actually going through?

He's big business, not blue collar.


AOC’s Grasp of American Governance Is a ‘Farce’


The reality, as they know, is that the Democrats’ legislation is probably more unpopular in Manchin’s home state — with 74 percent opposing — than any other in the nation. So it’s somewhat odd to hear people who claim to be guardians of “democracy” arguing that a senator owes his loyalty to his party over his state. That is, until you quickly remember that the selective and temporary championing of crude majoritarianism by Democrats is a cynical play for power.

Spot. On.

11 minutes ago, 1984Echoes said:

Not as cynical as the Republican Party's outright boot-licking of fascism and their disgraced fascist leader.

You mean he's not a guardian of democracy?  


Well I guess our talk about Manchin voting based on his constituents was totally irrelevant.    

Of course the reason for Manchins vote is.... wait for it..... Manchins feefees!!!!!


I can't imagine why ppl wouldnt rush to elect more of this shit

Posted (edited)

I can't imagine why they would rush out and elect more people like Manchin either. That's why people in PA, WI, OH, FL, NC etc need to elect more Democrats to make Manchin irrelevant then sit at home. 

Edited by Motown Bombers
12 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

Still waiting for Cartman to post in one of the sports forums.  

Every time I see him post, I'm reminded of how Jim Nantz called him "Cart Man" during the Cowboys Thanksgiving game lol

  • Haha 1
14 hours ago, pfife said:

Seems like Nate is saying "don't believe that empiricism here's my opinion instead".   Nate's org rated Data for Progress as a B.  So should I believe Nate's opinion or Nate's org's ratings?  They seem contradictory.


Is he? Or is he just using Bayseian reasoning? One poll is not going to go away from a very confident prior.

1 hour ago, Edman85 said:


Is he? Or is he just using Bayseian reasoning? One poll is not going to go away from a very confident prior.

What new evidence came out after I screenshotted his website grading data for progress as a B?

Posted (edited)

or maybe the bayesian reasoning isn't about D4P but for the whole BBB situation to which I would ask again, what new evidence came out about BBB or Manchin or the presidential election that lead to hypothesis readjustment associated with Bayes reasoning?

The evidence around these is not new.   It was almost 1 year ago that Trump won WV by >40.   It's been even longer that everyone knew Trump would roll in WV.   That's not new evidence, it's the oldest evidence of any component.

Was his hypothesis pre-adjustment via Bayesian reasoning that...... BBB was popular in WV?  Then the NEW evidence that trump won by 40 entered the chat?   

Edited by pfife

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