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The 118th United States Congress


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11 hours ago, 1984Echoes said:

It's not a ridiculous process if a Party has all of its heads on straight.

Which has been 100% true the past 230 years.

Until this year and the Republican Party.

We are seeing what happens when ostrich-like people trust the integrity of our system to puny norms instead of beefy rules or laws.

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30 minutes ago, 1984Echoes said:

I don't know about that...

Trump and his fascist ****wad followers have **** all over beefy rules of law and puny norms equally.

I'm not talking about rule of law as a theoretical concept. I am talking about actual laws on the books, and rules on the books.

Edited by chasfh
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11 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

LOL, Jordan increased his vote by 11 over Scalise. So at this rate in another 10 sessions he might get to 217.

It's the arrogance of Jordan and his crowd that sort of gets me.... not that I love Scalise or anything, but he basically did a backdoor shiv on Scalise and then turns around and, for the last 24 hours, has been acting like he clearly was the only option and the caucus would be lucky to have him.

The GOP is in such a ditch right now that it's always smart to assume the worst outcome will eventually come to pass (and maybe it still will here, who knows).... but that assumption just sort of obscures just how terrible Jordan has handled this on a personal level with a lot of these members, many of whom aren't out in front of cameras all the time and are actually interested in doing policymaking.

Austin Scott was token opposition, but he's a pretty good example of that kind of member.... people don't realize it because they aren't out in front of cameras all the time, but there's a decent amount of those kinds of members in the House of Representatives, in both parties. They go out and are good soldiers on votes, even controversial ones, but ultimately they are there because they care about ag policy, energy policy, etc. 

Someone like Jordan as Speaker would be an anathema to that kind of member. And the result here is just case in point.

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So what happens next month is the government shuts down because they have no desire to make any deal. 

Biden could give them everything they want and they still would vote down any deal.  Why?  Because Reasons.     They think they'll win public opinion and they won't do anything to make a deal.  This is going to continue through Christmas and into the new year.  And it's going to turn everyone against them, but it won't matter because they won't understand that. Because Reasons.    This is going to be a very long shutdown and it's going to cause total chaos and that is their only currency.     Get ready for the ride.      When does it start effecting all those people who collect welfare and disability in the South?   You know, all those anti-Socialists who totally rely on government checks.....  That's gonna be fun to watch.   Too bad too many decent people are going to suffer too, but this is what they want.   Let 'em choke on it.      

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10 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

It's about time the middle realize when they have just as much power as the extreme. No-one is going to get 'Primaried' over blocking Jim Jordan.

I agree, but at the same time many of the real republicans (as opposed to all hat, no cattle MAGAs) keep getting primaried. So we're stuck with performance artists or cowards who are afraid of speaking out because they would loose all those corporate "donations"

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4 hours ago, CMRivdogs said:

I agree, but at the same time many of the real republicans (as opposed to all hat, no cattle MAGAs) keep getting primaried. So we're stuck with performance artists or cowards who are afraid of speaking out because they would loose all those corporate "donations"

A couple of thoughts:

1.) The fact that the GOP frequently rewards performance artistry doesn't mean that there aren't pols in office who have the rope to go against Jordan on a vote like this.

Frank Lucas (who was one of the introducers of Austin Scott yesterday) and Kay Granger are two to come to mind: they lead powerful committees and bring home the bacon for their constituencies... they have their jobs for as long as they want them.

2.) To the extent that primaries matter, a lot of it also depends on how hard Trump or other powerful figures are willing to work to get between constituents and their reps.

I am skeptical that they even have the juice to get people to care that much over Jim Jordan or him being Speaker.... especially given how polls have shown a lot Rs (around half) don't even think McCarthy should have been removed in the first place

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